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Month: January 2021



  This world offers us so much, yet it fills the soul with so little. We spend so much time trying desperately to make our life perfect, right? We have the perfect house, the perfect family, the perfect car, the perfect job, and as we get old, we try to maintain the perfect body. But as we find out, it is all just a mirage. Like the wind that blows away the petals of a flower, so does our life…

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HEAVEN SERENADES: The Voice of the Lord

HEAVEN SERENADES: The Voice of the Lord

  In this world, there are so many voices to distract us. These voices can paralyze us with doubt, fear, anger, and even pamper us with half-truths. No matter what voice we listen to, there is always ONE voice that will always guard us and keep us safe during times of weakness, distress, or uncertainty, regardless of what goes on with us or around us. That voice is the Voice of Our Lord! He is always speaking, but are we…

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HEAVEN SERENADES: We Are More Than Containers

HEAVEN SERENADES: We Are More Than Containers

  Growing up in the church, there was a phrase we used to describe our identity. One of those phrases was, “I am just a vessel to be used by God.” I used to believe that’s all I was and nothing more. So, when I sang in the choir or on the worship team, I just saw myself as God’s vessel for Him to flow through. But this mindset only made me feel like I was created to be used…

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HEAVEN SERENADES: Behold the Lamb’s Wife

HEAVEN SERENADES: Behold the Lamb’s Wife

  Have you ever been serenaded? I have. It was my birthday and a friend of mine, Martha, and I went to Macaroni Grill in Austin for lunch. It was one of my favorite restaurants to eat at and hers too. During lunch, one of the waiters came to our table, looked at me, and began singing at the top of his lungs in Italian. It was the most beautiful song I had ever heard, even though I had no…

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Welcome to 2021!

Welcome to 2021!

    Welcome to 2021! This blog calls for a short reflection, 2020 was tough! When I thought about 2020, this word came to my heart, “Faithful!” If you didn’t discover Him as “Faithful,” I sure did.  The word faithful is defined as worth trusting because they are steadfast, unmoveable, loyal, never changing, and constant.  Jesus is described as “Sticking to us, closer than a brother.” Oh, yes, He is… and He lives within us by the power of His…

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