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Month: September 2019



One Day Closer to Home Copyright © 2017 by Tresca S. Grannum     I can’t wait to go home!   Remember how the sun shined through the green lush trees all around And the laughter of the angels filled the air with their sound.   Remember how we played with our Papa the whole day through And our Lord guided us through His pastures, where the skies were so blue.   Remember lying in the meadows watching the birds…

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Jesus said, “I can do nothing on my own initiative or authority. Just as I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just (fair, righteous, unbiased), because I do not seek My own will, but only the will of Him who sent Me. John 5:30 In the Gospel of John, our Lord Jesus taught us a very important truth. He lived a life totally and completely dependent on the Spirit and the desires of His Father.  He emphasized the point that He…

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TEACHING MOMENTS – “Letting Go, While Entrusting”

TEACHING MOMENTS – “Letting Go, While Entrusting”

We have learned over the past blogs about Submission; to submit means to yield the right of way to, give up rights to, let go of power or will to, to be subject to, and come under the authority of as pleasing to our Lord Jesus Christ. One phrase I want to focus on that is paramount in submitting is learning to ‘Let Go of.’ You can review the series I wrote in-depth on the subject beginning December 2017 through…

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TEACHING MOMENTS – “Free to Submit”

TEACHING MOMENTS – “Free to Submit”

As Dorian approaches in the next few days, I wanted to send out my blog a little earlier just in case we lose electricity. Please pray for us as we prepare for this hurricane. We know, in and through all circumstances, our Father is greater and able to keep us no matter what difficulties we may face. We look to Him for  grace, safety, and protection for all of us on the east coast.   The message of Submission is…

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