HEAVEN SERENADES: We Are More Than Containers

HEAVEN SERENADES: We Are More Than Containers


Growing up in the church, there was a phrase we used to describe our identity. One of those phrases was, “I am just a vessel to be used by God.” I used to believe that’s all I was and nothing more. So, when I sang in the choir or on the worship team, I just saw myself as God’s vessel for Him to flow through. But this mindset only made me feel like I was created to be used and not loved as one who was created for an intimate relationship with my creator. I knew what it was to be used; I was used all of my life for other’s purposes, and I hated it. My heart longed for so much more. One day, when I was exhausted from being a vessel used by God for people to be blessed. I told the Lord, I can’t do this anymore, I give up. My Lord responded, “Good!”  He then said these words to me; “Tresca, my Beloved, I have angels who serve me night and day; they do whatever I say. But, you were created for so much more; you were created to be loved and to enjoy a relationship with me. You also were created to allow me to live my life through you.”

Wow! I was created for sooooo much more! And, so were you. This psalm is just a reminder.



Copyright © 2020 by Tresca S. Grannum
(Dedicated to Lynda Reuther on her 60th Birthday)



We are more than containers, He is our Life, for the whole world to see!

A glorious vessel filled with heaven and eternity.

Adorned by our Father filled with His grace.

Beautifully fashioned by His love and our Lord Jesus’ embrace.


We are His Temple rooms filled with His Glory, windows covered in lace,

A place of honor, power, yet with humility, and grace.

Rooms furnished by our Lord, decorated in love,

With heavenly furniture created from above.


We are His handiwork recreated in Christ Jesus, a man, brand new.

Within us a treasure so precious, so true.

Hidden within us, a city, the buildings touch the skies

The kingdom of God, Mt. Zion, shining so bright.



Lord Jesus, we are Your vessel, Your temple, Your city prepared for You.

For You to dwell in, live in, and for Your life to flow through.

A Holy City, a Holy Mountain, in us Your sacred place,

To save humanity, to defeat the darkness, and bring men home to You.

We are the only vessels You have to live Your life through.

As you can see, we are so much more, even more than we could ever dream or imagine. We are ONE with our Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit!

Enjoy Christ, Enjoy Life!

2 thoughts on “HEAVEN SERENADES: We Are More Than Containers

  1. TRESCA, I love this. You are so right. “I live, yet not I, Christ…” (Gal 2:20) But I do live — the new me, HIS Masterpiece (“poema”)(1Cor 5:17), “created in Christ Jesus for the good works HE has planned that I should walk in!!!” (?Ephesians 2:10)

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