I returned a few days ago from a trip to Dallas to visit my Heart Friend, Carolyn. We call each other Heart Friends because we are connected heart to heart by our Father; He personally connected us almost 15 years ago at a conference. It was interesting over the years to discover we both were counselors and both suffered from DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) due to childhood traumas. Carolyn is trained in bringing those who suffer from DID, ritual, cultic practices, and other traumatic issues to wholeness and freedom in Christ! Her gift to the Body of Christ is quite remarkable. Carolyn has had three different surgeries in the past year and the last one was a life or death surgery. I am so glad she survived the surgery! We both needed time together to love on and encourage each other, spiritually and emotionally. It was truly a “Divine Appointment.” While I was there, a beautiful song came to my heart, which says, “I need you, you need me, we all are part of God’s body. It is His will that every need be supplied. You are important to me, I need you to survive.” It was written by Hezekiah Walker.  Flying back home, I met another sister in Christ, Sue Fetter. We enjoyed sweet fellowship on the plane together. Guess what? Another “Divine Appointment!” Isn’t our Father Awesome?


The scripture calls us, The Body of Christ. We are many members and each member supplies and imparts a specific gift to the other. So today, I serenade you with who we really are on the earth… an amazing member of The Body of Jesus Christ!



Copyright © 2005 by Tresca S. Grannum


Jesus, we are your members, each displaying a ray of your light.

Each one important for your purpose in this life.

Some are feeble, yet determined with your grace.

To yield themselves to you wholly while beholding Your face.


Some stand out like beacons, guiding lost souls through the night.

Some are hidden behind the curtains in prayers arming our fight.

But all are important and not one is greater than the rest.

We are all Your body, as we abide in You, the whole world will be blessed.


Living stones built upon each other to form Your abode.

A Holy Place, A Righteous Place, with gifts of grace untold.

We are Your diamonds, Your rubies, Your emeralds, Your pearls.

All formed by Your hands in fire, in water, as gifts to the world.




Created for your purpose, designed by your hands.

To be vessels of honor, nobility, holy gifts to man.

Filled with Your goodness, Your life, Your love.

With humble and broken spirits imparting Your grace like a dove.

So we, who are many, are [nevertheless just] ONE Body in Christ, and individually [we are] parts one of another [mutually dependent on each other]. Romans 12:5 Amplified



Enjoy Life, Enjoy Christ!

4 thoughts on “HEAVEN SERENADES: We Are His Body

  1. I LOVE this so much, dear Tresca! I love the photo also — you and your heart-sister! You are both beautiful. I hope I get to “meet” both of you in person at the 220 conference????
    Oh LORD, bring your people together no matter our differences of opinion. O WIND-SPIRIT blow through your Church today!!!! We need YOU and we need each other.

  2. Thank you for today’s message Tresca! So nice, and may I say, important to share your time with your “heart friend” with us. I have a very important heart friend also who lives far away. I know that if I needed her she also would be right by my side. The picture of both of you together is beautiful.
    I loved the song you added!

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