In the Sacred Journey, Part 3, we discovered the siblings’ father and brother in Sacred Meadows had not forgotten them and were making plans for the eldest son to rescue them. The siblings realized as they wandered into the new city called “The World” was not as it appeared to be. At first, they had fun drinking, laughing, dancing, then, all the festivities ended in fighting, yelling, screaming, and confusion. So much so, the siblings hid in a dark alley in fear for their lives.

Early the next morning, Evil One found the siblings sleeping in a box in the alley. “Wake up sleepy heads. Why are you hiding in the alley in a box?” asked Evil One. “Since you will be living in my world, then you will need to learn how to protect yourself if you are going survive here.” “Come here Flesh,” he beckoned. “My son, Flesh, will guide and instruct you; listen carefully to how we do things here.” Flesh handed Soul a manual and said, “Read it because you will need it.” The manual was called, ‘Flesh Guide for Managing Your Life.’ Flesh said to Soul, “Soul, one of the most important skills you need to learn is how to control the actions of those around you!” “Control is the greatest power you have, so do not let anyone stand in your way!” “Control will allow you to be master of your life, when you speak, others will bow down and listen to you.” “If they do not, then you will learn how to dominate them or be gentle and kind to them, either way, you will use both to get your way!” “You see Soul, your siblings belong to you to obey you and if ever any one of them get out of line, demean them, manipulate them, or make them afraid of you, whatever you have to do to make them obey you!” “Now pay attention Soul and watch how I rule over your siblings.” The first one he called was Emotion. “Emotion,” said Flesh, “From now on you will express your anger by pouting, whining, stomping your feet, screaming, yelling, crying, or stuffing your feelings. Don’t say a word if someone asks you how do you feel, keep them guessing. Never express your emotions openly, that only shows weakness. Show weakness or be vulnerable to others only when you want to control them. Whenever someone hurt you, I want you to hold it against them, never let it go, keep bringing it up to them, and make them feel bad concerning whatever they do to you- never forgive! I want you to be either insensitive to others feelings or overly sensitive-touchy, whichever way leaves you in control. When none of these tactics work, put yourself down so others will feel sorry for you, pity you, and rescue you, so you get your way.” Emotion was so scared, she just nodded her head, yes, in agreement. The others stood in line waiting for their turn for Flesh to instruct them- what will Flesh say to them?

THE GIFT of EMOTIONS: In Part 4 of the Sacred Journey, the Evil One used his son, Flesh to master one of our Father’s beautiful gifts to us, emotions. Emotions were created to express all of the joys, sadness, excitement, and feelings our Father expresses. Emotions were created to be expressed outwardly, never buried or stuffed within. They were not created to control others. Emotions are vehicles by which the feelings of our soul and the Lord are shown through our lives. None of our emotions are evil, all are good and to be used in healthy ways. Some of us are more expressive than others. Our Father created us uniquely and differently in that way.

To adapt into the world system of the ‘Dog Eat Dog’ to be successful, or ‘Every Man for Himself’ mentality, the flesh has taught us survival strategies and changed the true purpose for our emotions. Not realizing it, we, as children of the King of Glory, have read this manual and applied his strategies in our daily lives. Look at the emotional strategies in our story and see which ones you have incorporated into your life?

Prayer: Father, Abba (Daddy, Papa), search our hearts today and show us how we have listened to the stinking voice of the flesh who imprisoned our emotions with his lying strategies to control us and others around us. Teach us the truth concerning our emotions and why emotions are so precious to you and a beautiful blessing shared with others.


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