Surely Goodness and Mercy and Unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life,
And I shall dwell forever [throughout all my days] in the house and in the presence of the Lord.
Psalm 23:6 Amplified


Sometimes in difficulty as children of the Most High God, we may forget just how much we are loved and how nothing comes into our lives without our Father’s permission; we live in the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of God lives within us. We also may turn our attention away from the Father, our Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit who lives within us and look at the circumstances we believe are engulfing us. But we don’t have to. My beloved sister from our previous blog, Sonia, shared that instead of looking without at the problem of her Stage 4 Cancer diagnosis, she looked within where her Almighty Father abides. Sonia said, “Every moment of the day, I would get up in my Father’s lap and let Him hold me.”



You see, no matter the raging storms whether it is sickness, grief, family, or marital problems, loss, depression, financial, or job issues that come into our lives, snuggled in our Papa’s arms is where we will always find His goodness, grace, comfort, and wisdom to guide us through them. I know many of you know this place, close to His heart, and some of you might not. Below is a video of a song Sonia said took her through her darkest hours and days until our Lord declared, “It is Finished!” This song is also a testimony of my life’s journey. So, close your eyes and say, “Father, let me experience Your arms holding me!”





I love You, Lord
For Your mercy never fails me
All my days, I’ve been held in Your hands
From the moment that I wake up
Until I lay my head
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God


And all my life You have been faithful
And all my life You have been so, so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God


I love Your voice
You have led me through the fire
In the darkest night
You are close like no other
I’ve known You as a Father
I’ve known You as a Friend
And I have lived in the goodness of God (yeah)


And all my life You have been faithful (oh)
And all my life You have been so, so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God (yeah)


‘Cause Your goodness is running after
It’s running after me
Your goodness is running after
It’s running after me
With my life laid down
I’m surrendered now
I give You everything
‘Cause Your goodness is running after
It’s running after me (oh-oh)

‘Cause Your goodness is running after
It’s running after me
Your goodness is running after
It’s running after me
With my life laid down
I’m surrendered now
I give You everything
‘Cause Your goodness is running after
It keeps running after me


And all my life You have been faithful
And all my life You have been so, so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I’m gonna sing of the goodness of God
(I’m gonna sing, I’m gonna sing)


‘Cause all my life You have been faithful
And all my life You have been so, so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I’m gonna sing of the goodness of God
Oh, I’m gonna sing of the goodness of God

Source: Musixmatch

Songwriters: Jason Ingram / Brian Johnson / Ed Cash / Ben Fielding / Jenn Johnson

Goodness of God lyrics © Capitol Cmg Paragon, Bethel Music Publishing, Shout! Music Publishing Australia

Enjoy Christ, Enjoy Life!










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