“Letting Go” means to entrust into the hands of the Lord, to surrender control of, to relinquish power over, and to trust the Lord with. Only in Letting Go will our minds, emotions, wills, find rest and cease to struggle.


In our last four blogs, we have discussed “Letting Go.” We now understand the value and great importance of “Letting Go” of our past, relationships, and our children. Without “Letting Go” our lives come to a standstill and the purposes of our lives and the lives of others around us are hindered in their growth and spiritual development.


Today we will look at another important issue of our lives to let go of, and that is our dreams. I can still recall the pain I felt when I had to let go of several of my dreams, one in particular, I want to share with you. The Lord used this one to transform my heart and show me His purposes in my life.


Merriam-Webster defines a dream as “a strongly desired goal or purpose or something that fully satisfies a wish.”


When I got married, as most young women, my dream was to have children. I used to dream of having babies and decorating their rooms with pink and blue blankets; I even had names picked out for them. My heart longed to have children. When we got married and after two years I couldn’t get pregnant, I went to the doctor to find out why. I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian disease. The doctors gave me medicine to help me ovulate and exercises to do to get pregnant, but nothing happened. One day a woman came to our church who prophesied over me and told me that I was going to get pregnant.  My pastor, in our fellowship group, gave me the same word and that it would be a boy; so I held fast in faith to those words. I believed their words so much that my stomach grew big and I began to wear maternity clothes; I took pictures of my bulging stomach. I was so excited! As three months went by, it was time to go to the doctor. To my surprise, when I went to the doctor, he discovered that I wasn’t pregnant. Then, the enemy came through my pastor. “You didn’t have enough faith, John was his name and the Lord gave him to ____ (another sister) and she will bring him into this world.” The sister got pregnant and named her son, John. Can you imagine my guilt and shame? I had the faith, my stomach showed my faith, but it was not the Lord’s purpose. The enemy came again saying to my mind, “You are being punished by God because you had an abortion when you were in college.” Over and over the accusations came and so did the painful condemnation followed. What do you do when your dreams are shattered and you believe it is your fault? What do you say to a God who you believe is punishing you for your past sins when you didn’t know Him? (A lie from the evil one to keep me from my Lord) What did I do? I was angry with God, so I hid from Him. I went through the motion of serving Him. I read my Bible. I went to our fellowship group, I prayed my shallow prayers; I did what I was supposed to do. But, in my heart, I felt He wasn’t interested in me nor my desire for children. Have you ever felt that way? You believed God for a husband, a wife, a job, children, your children or family member to get saved, your child, husband or wife to get healed, and He didn’t do as you asked? You fasted, prayed harder, read more, and did all the spiritual aerobics you could, but nothing happened. I was numbed for a few years, without any consolation. I didn’t bother the Lord about it and I kept Him at a distance. One day it happened! What happened Tresca? I drifted from the Lord in my heart and eventually followed the dictates of the flesh in my soul; I was broken to pieces (another story). I repented and returned to my Lord and one of the first things He wanted to talk about was the baby. I cried to the Lord that evening, like Hannah did before the Lord, asking Him for an answer. One thing I realized, I never asked Him what He wanted for my life; I only assumed that’s what He wanted because of prophecies I had received. I will never forget that day. With tears drenching my face and the front of my blouse, I cried out, “Lord, speak to me about having babies, will you let me know what your desire is for me?” The Lord answered, “My love, I am your portion, I will fill every need in your heart!” I realized I needed a baby to fill a NEED in my heart… I never knew that, but He did. My NEED was to feel loved and needed. A baby could never meet that need, but many of us believe one could. When the Lord spoke to me I got up from the floor, I had no idea what being my portion meant, but His amazing peace flooded my soul and heart. The longing for children was filled! Jesus came into the room of my heart, removed the blue curtains from the windows. He folded the blue blanket laying on the crib and removed the baby items from my mind and imagination… HE FILLED ME! Months later, the Lord and I reflected on that day and He gave me this beautiful scripture in Isaiah 54:1 (Amplified Version).


“Shout for joy, O barren one, she who has not given birth; Break forth into joyful shouting and rejoice, she who has not gone into labor [with child]! For the [spiritual] sons of the desolate one will be more numerous than the sons of the married woman,” says the Lord.


He has fulfilled His promises!  Thousands of baby souls, He has brought to me to share His love, life, and grace with… He isn’t done yet!



Whatever the dream you are holding to, entrust it into the hands of the Lord, surrender control of, relinquish power over, and trust the Lord to carry out His will and purposes with it. He knows the plans He has for you and it may not always be what you dream of… but it will be exactly what He dreamed of for you!




  1. Get a sheet of paper or write in your journal your account of the situation you are struggling with. (Dear Jesus, I am stuck… I feel…. I try to… I thought you would… Now I… I expected…) share the pain, anger, fear, hurt, and disappointment, whatever they may be. Get it all out, Jesus already knows how you feel. He wants you to share it with Him.
  2. When you are ready to move forward. Acknowledge to the Lord what you want to do with this situation. Hold on to it or Let it Go. (You have a choice, but think about how much pain this is causing in your life and how you are unable to find peace or rest in this situation).

  3. When you have shared your heart with the Lord, then willingly say to the Lord. This dream _______________ I longed for and desired to have, whatever it may be is in YOUR HANDS NOW… I trust you, Lord Jesus, to complete the work in my heart that we just begun. AMEN


Prayer: Thank you, Papa, you know the plans you have for me. I am sorry that when I don’t get my way or think you are not listening to me because you aren’t answering me. I am learning Papa, that you are tenderly attentive to my heart’s desires but You want to know, will I TRUST YOU with my dreams so that you can uncover YOUR PLANS which are so much greater than mine. Amen


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