This is the time of the year some of us make our New Year’s Resolutions. A resolution defined by Merriam-Webster is:


A firm decision to do or not to do something. The action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter.


I don’t make New Year Resolutions anymore because most likely, I will fail. I have tried a million and one times to change me. My intent is always good, but by month two or during the year, I return to my old way of doing things. I don’t like riding the rollercoaster of failure, disappointment, then condemnation; nope not anymore. So, I don’t rely on me; I turn to the FAITHFUL Lord within me and I ask Him, “Is there anything You want to change in me, so do it, my Lord?” When Jesus changes me, it is forever! I have learned over the years the natural man is not dependable, but the spiritual man is. The spiritual man and my soul are ONE. They live in Union with Jesus the Christ and fulfill the will of my Father.


Even though I fail in my Resolution attempts, I know someone who has never failed. Jesus made His Resolutions to us over 2000 years ago. His Resolutions remain unchanged from year to year. Because He cannot lie, His words to us are ALWAYS FAITHFUL AND TRUE. He has sealed His promises to us with His Blood and His Promise to our Father when He said, “IT IS FINISHED!” Let’s look at just a few of His Resolutions to us:




  • I will never leave you or forsake you. Hebrews 13:5-6
  • I will be IN you and you will live IN Me. John 14:20
  • In this world, you will have tribulations but I WILL be with you through them all. John 16:33
  • I chose you and you didn’t choose Me, to be mine forever. John 15:16, I Peter 2:9
  • I will supply all of your needs according to all of My riches in glory. Philippians 4:19
  • I have made you an heir to share with Me all the things our Father has given to Me. Romans 8:17
  • I have made you One with Me, my Father, and the Holy Spirit. You share the same relationship with them as I haveSO ENJOY! John 17:22, I Corinthians 6:17
  • I love you with an everlasting love that’s why I laid down My life for you… YOU ARE MINE. Jeremiah 31:3, John 10:15
  • I live IN you and you live IN Me, so there will be no separation between us, ever! John 17:23
  • I will always be faithful to you, no matter if you are faithful to Me. I will always keep My promises. 2 Timothy 2:13




  • I am your peace; I have broken down every wall that separates you from our Father. Ephesians 2:14
  • I will carry all of your fears, burdens, worries, and concerns if you would give them to Me. I Peter 5:7
  • I am the Wisdom of God, and I know the answer to every circumstance that comes in your life… just turn inwardly to Me. I Corinthians 1:24
  • I came to destroy all the works of the enemy in your life, no matter how impossible it may seem. I John 3:8
  • I am your Healer to restore your spirit, soul, and body. Let Me heal them My way. Matthew 4:23, Psalm 147:3
  • Only in Me will you find rest and peace for your souls; the world promises you rest and peace, but can never fulfill you. Matthew 11:28
  • I brought you Home into My Kingdom when you gave your life to Me. Enjoy the wonders of the New Life you have within Me living WITHIN YOU! Colossians 1:13


Jesus’s name is Faithful and True and whatever He promised HE WILL DO!

Enjoy Our Lord Today and Forever Living Inside Our Hearts!




  1. I absolutely LOVE this, Tresca! How encouraging to us all. God is faithful and HE lives in us and through us as us. amen.

  2. Wonderful uplifting verses, I applied each one to my new self in Christ and was greatly uplifted today. God bless you in Him for 2019!

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