In a beautiful garden called Sacred Meadows lived a father, his eldest son, along with his twin sisters Spirit and Soul. They had two younger sisters Emotion and Thinker and a younger brother Will. They loved each other deeply. Laughter and melodic sounds of worship and adoration always filled the air. There was one problem, though, they had loud and boisterous neighbors who lived in the valley below who were always fighting, shouting, and disturbing the peace in the neighborhood especially when the sun went down. But their father who was a wise and gentle man would always tell them, “Don’t be afraid, I am here just stay close to me and no harm would ever come to you.” Day after day they listened to the noise and even joyful songs screeching through the night. But at daybreak peace seemed to settle down once again in the valley.

One day Soul and Thinker were talking and Soul asked Thinker, “What do you think they are doing down there, it sounds like they are having fun?” Thinker replied, “Yes, it seems like they have more fun than we do and it would be wonderful to go and find out!” But Spirit stood up and said, “No! Father forbid us to go near that place and told us to stay here close to him and no harm would come our way!” And Will nodded his head in total agreement with Spirit. Emotion remained quiet. Then Thinker asked, “Aren’t you curious about what they do down there and the noise they make sounds like they are having a lot of fun.” Spirit said, “We have fun everyday playing, laughing, singing, and enjoying our father and big brother, this place is so amazing!” Spirit continued, “We have our father’s love, acceptance, peace, contentment, and everything we will ever need right here, I do not want anything else.” But, Soul was listening to Thinker and began to get curious and wondered what it would be like to live in the valley with new friends and new adventures. So Soul and Thinker came up with a plan to leave. Soul told Thinker “Let’s play ‘hide and seek’ tomorrow, you hide close to the edge of the hill and when Spirit gets close you push her and we all will slide down the hill into the valley below.” Emotion was listening and said “No! No! That’s not a good idea our father and older brother will be sad and all alone without us, we can’t leave them.” Soul said, “It will only be for one day we will be back home by evening.”

So it happened the next day, just as they planned Soul deceived Spirit in a game of ‘hide and seek’ and left their precious home, leaving their father and older brother in Sacred Meadows to venture into a new world they had never known before. Spirit and Will use to be very close but now Soul was in charge listening to the voice of Thinker and ruled by Emotion while Spirit reluctantly followed along.

THE GIFT of CHOICE: In Part 1 of The Sacred Journey it depicts the story of mankind created with a Spirit and Soul which consist of his thoughts, will, emotions, and personality. (1) All of them were in perfect harmony as long as Spirit was in charge. But when Soul took the lead and conspired with Thinker to deceive Spirit they began a dangerous journey downward, hiding from their father and seeking pleasures from another world.

Our Father who is Spirit loves us so much and desires to keep us close but we can choose every moment of the day to go our own way and choose: what seems right, what feels right, what we think is right, and slide down a slippery slope. Or, we can choose to listen to the Spirit of Christ who will never deceive us, or guide us into paths that bring fear, confusion, debt, headaches, and destruction… never His way.

Psalm 18:30  As for God, His way is PERFECT and His words and promises are ALWAYS TRUE. He is a shield for all of those who will take refuge IN HIM.

Prayer: Father you know me and how easy it is for me to choose my own way, so please Lord Jesus because you are the WAY and always please the Father, please live your life through me this day…Amen

(1) I Thessalonians 5:23




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