HEAVEN SERENADES: Your Precious Body

HEAVEN SERENADES: Your Precious Body


In our Del Webb community, we have a women’s group called, “Enjoying God.” The group was formed by me inviting a group of women together for water aerobics. Eventually, the weather got too cold in our outside pool, and with social distancing, we couldn’t do water aerobics together in our inside lane pool. We didn’t want to leave each other, so the Lord led me to start a fellowship group. My sisters-in-Christ meet once a month to share our Father’s love and life together. We are from different denominations and backgrounds but we are so blessed to have each other, especially when the world around us is in overwhelming turmoil. Our group is open to anyone who would like to join us. At our last meeting, we discovered how safe we feel to be with each other. We find the freedom to be ourselves and talk freely about our struggles and fears. Feeling safe, we don’t worry about being judged or rejected by each other. Therefore, we have an amazing opportunity to pray, not only for our own needs, family’s needs, but also for our nation, and the world. Isn’t that wonderful?  We see each other as precious jewels, rubies, and diamonds given to each other by our Lord.  We listen and choose to hear each other’s hearts, no matter how difficult it may be. We have discovered the only things that divide and separate us are politics, the world’s ideas, the flesh, sin, and the evil one. We choose to embrace the truth of who we are in Christ and say “No” to the lies of the enemy. Our little group is awesome! We not only pray together but play together; Girls Night Out events, hang out at the pool, and other things. Last night some of us went to the Alahambra, its a dinner and play theater. We saw a play called, “Smoke on the Mountain.” I laughed so hard until I cried. I couldn’t laugh anymore, my stomach was hurting. The food was simply amazing! My husband, Tony went with us to be our bodyguard (just kidding) husbands are free to join us.  I can’t wait until our next meeting and outing.



What about you? Have you found a safe place in a sister or brother-in-Christ where you can be free to share your heart, fears, and struggles? I pray that you find one.



Jesus said, “In this world, YOU WILL HAVE trials and tribulations.” Great News! He has overcome ALL of them for us. Always remember, we need each other to encourage and console each other with the consolation we have received from our Lord because we are Jesus’s body on the earth.



Copyright © 2005 by Tresca S. Grannum




Lord, how precious is Your body

A wonder of Your life so full of Your glory.

Lord, how precious is Your body

Every member within You telling Your story.


We tell Your story of love

And Your magnificent forgiveness.

We tell Your story of life

And Your tender mercies.

We tell Your story of peace

And Your awesome grace.

We tell your story of power

And Your healing life we experience every hour.


So, pour Your oil over us from head to toe.

Remove the darkness from our hearts, as You defeat every foe.

Free us from the lies of the enemy and the world.

Reveal to us how precious we are, we’re Your gems and pearls.


Lord, how precious is Your body

A wonder of Your life so full of Your glory.

Lord, how precious is Your body

Every member within You telling Your story.



Enjoy Christ, Enjoy Life!


2 thoughts on “HEAVEN SERENADES: Your Precious Body

  1. Oh I love this, Tresca. Wish I could join.
    I’m grateful for my small group of sisters…”branches” in our wonderful Vine.
    Someday we will all be together in glory. We are already together IN HIM, aren’t we, dear sis!

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