(Heaven Serenades are poems that could be read or sung, called Psalms)


We all struggle with something in our lives that we are trying to fix. We have tried all of our resources in fixing this one thing; I know the struggles well. But, I have learned a valuable lesson over the years and that is, whenever I am trying to make something work or trying to attain a particular goal and can’t reach it, or trying to open a door that won’t open, I give IT to the Lord. To struggle is a sure sign we are not resting or trusting the Lord.


As I am writing these words, I have been trying to get a doctor’s appointment of which my primary care doctor says I must get. Well, I have called the doctor’s office, no answer. Then, I called the next week and spoke to the receptionist, however, she referred me to the scheduler who was out of the office; I left a message. Well, it has been over a week and no return calls. So, guess what I did? Yes, I gave IT to the Lord. I said, “Lord, we are in this together, so if You want to get us an appointment, then You open up the door You want us to walk in. Amen.” I will wait.


Your turn. Pray and ask the Lord what is the IT you are struggling with that He wants to handle? There is freedom in letting IT go!


Proverbs 16:3Commit your works to the Lord [submit and trust them to Him], and your plans will succeed [if you respond to His will and guidance]. Amplified Bible



Copyright © 2005 by Tresca S. Grannum



Father and Lord, life is hard when I don’t turn to You.

I think I can fix things but I see that’s not true.

It may appear I am free because there’s a smile on my face.

But underneath the surface, I am struggling without Your life and grace.


I can figure it out, I have the power, I am in control.

That’s the lie I believed just look at my weary soul.

I have used my ingenuities, You see Lord, at length.

I have forfeited freedom in You living from my own strength.


So, humbly, wholly, at Your feet, I bow.

Forsaking this one thing I so much desire.

I hear you calling me, daily drawing me to let IT go.

So that You can live through me for Your purposes to unfold.




Yes Father, Here IT is,

Yes Father, Here IT is,

I thought I could handle IT and make IT work according to my plans.

But now IT rules me, IT controls me, I’m enslaved to ITs’ demands.

In You, I can rest knowing that You are in control.

Only then can I enjoy Your love, grace, and peace in my soul.

I am praying for you today to end the struggle and rest in the arms of our Father and Lord and let them accomplish through You, the perfect plans they have in store for you!

Enjoy Christ, Enjoy Life!!

2 thoughts on “HEAVEN SERENADES: Yes Father, Here IT Is

  1. This hit right where I am. I usually don’t check email first thing but today I did. And this was a confirmation from Abba.
    I’ve been at an online writers conference for the past few days. And the Lord spoke a day ago…”Jan, you have been trying to write the wrong book.” immediately other thoughts came to mind. I’VE GIVEN my IT to HIM. And other thoughts are coming.
    Prayers, please. My question to Him is, “Should I even be writing?” I love to shepherd small groups of ladies…just that? What is HIS IT for me at this stage of my life…I’m almost 74 and tired, but still wanting to speak God’s words into the lives of others.
    I DO have a very open door with my grands!
    Thanks so much, Tresca!
    Much love, Jan

    1. Awesome!! Isn’t He Amazing??? I hear your heart sweet sister. Can you just let Him love through you to the ONE?

      My last blog is so precious! It confirms what our brother in Christ, Bill Loveless posted last week on his blog. Please reread both. I will email it to you… I love you!!

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