HEAVEN SERENADES: In This Place There is Grace

HEAVEN SERENADES: In This Place There is Grace


Our outward man is perishing, can you feel it? Our bodies are not holding up like they used to, right? Do you hear the creaks and cracks as you move around or get up in the morning? If you don’t, great. One day you will. As we age, we discover a whole new way of looking at life. Even our conversations about life and death change. As our eyes grow dimmer, it is really a blessing because some of us need our glasses to see all these weird moles and spots that appear all over our bodies out of nowhere. Without our glasses, we remain clueless. (Lol)


We are transitioning, no matter how much we fight it. One day, this old mortal body will put on an immortal body…boy I can’t wait! But, while we are here, we may have to face sickness, weakness, pain, or, some mental or emotional ailment one day. Many of us are walking through these issues right now. So, today I want to serenade you with this psalm I wrote to share with my brothers and sisters in Christ walking through health issues. I pray you enjoy it!



Copyright © 2021 by Tresca S. Grannum


When my body is weak and wreaked with pain.

When my soul feels numb, weary, and drained.

When healing comes slowly, another day to endure.

When hope seems distant and sometimes I am not sure.

Yet, in all of this, somehow I still know.

Jesus lives within me and to His Heart, I will go.


There is a place inside me, it is called Grace.

It’s where I can see my Lord and sit with Him face to face.

You are my strength dear Lord in this hour.

It’s in You alone do I find grace and Your amazing power.

Power to remain still until You heal.

Until You restore me and all of Your purposes fulfilled.


So, this day I will look inside,

Where Your love and life in me abide.

I will not be anxious about what today will bring.

For in You I find refuge, strength, my everything.

So, be still my soul and embrace weakness this hour.

Only now will you experience

Jesus’s life, strength, and power.


Therefore we do not become discouraged [spiritless, disappointed, or afraid]. Though our outer self is [progressively] wasting away, yet our inner self is being [progressively] renewed day by day. (II Corinthians 4:16) Amplified

Enjoy Christ, Enjoy Life!

4 thoughts on “HEAVEN SERENADES: In This Place There is Grace

  1. Tresca, today is day 73 that my sweet Johnny is in the hospital with acute pancreatitis. He has been near death twice and on a ventilator 4 times. This especially spoke to me today. I have seen him go from a strong hard working man to a frail man unable to stand much less walk. His journey will be a marathon but we are in it together making the best of this situation. Will you please pray for him? We appreciate each and everyone lifting his name to Jesus.
    I’m doing well and trying to help care for him.
    Our sweet grandson is now 2 years old. Such a miracle and blessing. Obviously we aren’t getting to see him but FaceTime brings huge smiles.
    Hope you are doing well. Much love,
    Marla Warren
    Cedar Park, Tx

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