HEAVEN SERENADES: Break Forth Light of God

HEAVEN SERENADES: Break Forth Light of God


Have you ever been stuck spiritually? It felt like you weren’t growing in your relationship with God? You were praying, reading, studying, or just going through the motions, and it appeared as if, this is it? But, you wanted more, so much more in your relationship with the Lord but you just couldn’t seem to find the answer to why you were the way you were.  Our brother David felt this way many times and wrote these words in Psalm 63:1 in the Amplified Bible.


O God, You are my God; with the deepest longing, I will seek You; My soul [my life, my very self] thirsts for You, my flesh longs and sighs for You, In a dry and weary land where there is no water.


Boy, that can be very frustrating, right? In my journey with my Lord, I have been there a million and one times but do you know what I did? I pursued Him even more. I wouldn’t just settle for a mediocre relationship with my Lord. I wanted ALL of Him and desired to give Him ALL of me. Guess what? My heart pursuits always ended in a rewardthe Heart of Jesus, My Full Reward!


Today, if you are stuck, ask the Lord to reveal to you why you are stuck? During my times of feeling stuck was because Jesus wanted me to forgive someone who hurt me, deal with some pain of the past I wasn’t willing or ready or work through. Or, I was still holding on to some lie that I learned while growing up in religion. Finally, I wasn’t willing to let go and trust Him with ALL of me or something I was trying to fix or make work in my own strength. Jesus knows exactly what hinders our relationship with Him but are we willing to follow Him out of the darkness into freedom and life?


Here is a psalm that depicts a seeking heart to know the Lord.



Copyright © 2005 by Tresca S. Grannum




Break forth oh light of God.

Break forth oh light of the Spirit.

Pierce Your way through my darkened soul.

Shine Your light through all of me.



Reveal the Holy One who lives within me.

Free me from my doubts and fears.

Until the life of Christ flows through me.

And thy Kingdom rules throughout my very being.


Pierce through my pride and arrogance.

You conquered at the cross.

Pierce through my religious façade.

My idol, I formed amidst the dross.


Pierce through both good and evil.

I have nourished in my soul.

Shine forth Your light through me.

Oh Lord, have complete control.


I will walk with You through my painful past.

I will forgive those and be free at last.

Free to love and free to see.

Free to be all You created me to be.




Break forth oh light of God

Break forth oh light of the Spirit.

Pierce Your way through my darkened soul.

Shine Your light through all of me.

Always remember, our Lord is a REWARDER to them who diligently seek Him… He’s the one who lives within us!

Enjoy Christ, Enjoy Life!

7 thoughts on “HEAVEN SERENADES: Break Forth Light of God

  1. Awesome article – so true! God wants all of us and it is hard to surrender sometimes but as you said there is always a reward!

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