Many of us grew up with poor self-esteem. Most of our lives were spent trying to prove how smart, how pretty, or how valuable we were. All of our personal and career achievements were saying to the world… “You see, I am worth loving and respecting.” Before I knew the Lord, that was my goal to prove… I was somebody. I became popular by singing, dancing, cheerleading, acting, and other things. Then, when I gave my heart to Jesus, I became a worship leader, teacher, and counselor. But underneath the covers of my gifts and talents was an insecure soul still trying to prove to the world and God, I am worth loving. We all wear that mask of insecurity. You know how I know; because I did too. When someone would say anything negative about me, my performance, or my achievements, I would become angry, defensive, or critical of the person who tried to take off my mask. But, guess what? Jesus was using people to help me remove the mask and FREE me from the arms of insecurity so I could live forever FREE in His abundant love and grace. Jesus was saying, “I love YOU, not for what you do or achieve but because of who you are… my Beloved forever!”


Years ago, I had a dream. I was with two of my sisters-in-Christ who were more mature than me. As we were talking together, Jesus showed up. I couldn’t see His face but I felt His overwhelming presence and saw His shimmering robe. He reached out His hand for us to take it because He wanted to take us with Him to a special place. I hid behind my sisters-in-Christ ashamed because I thought, “No way He  wants to take me with Him.” Then, He grabbed my hand and said, “Tresca, I desire for you to walk with me.”  I couldn’t believe His words! How could He want me? But, He did and Jesus still does! Thank you, Lord, Jesus!


The song I wrote below describes the night I spent with my Lord that forever changed my life.



Copyright © 2005 by Tresca S. Grannum



When I closed my eyes last night, I dreamed You called me.

You called me from among the crowd.

You called my name out loud.

Then you took me to Your secret mountain.

It shimmered with diamonds and gold.

And there we sat holding hands.

Your loving words are untold.

It was there I discovered Your secret, for my hurting cries.

To love me, protect me, and to dry my weeping eyes.



We sat at midnight until the morning light appeared.

When I opened my eyes my pillow was drenched with tears.

My heart still nestled in Your warm embrace.

I was overwhelmed by Your touch as I beheld Your face.

Now I can see that was no dream, Your reality in me still stands.

We are ONE, together in union, forever holding hands.





You love ME, You, my Lord, really, really love ME.

In spite of all of my sins and failures…You love ME.

You love ME, Lord, You really, really love ME.

Now my soul rests in Your love, knowing, just knowing

How much You really love ME.


You may not have had a dream or an encounter with the Lord to let you know how much He really loves you. I believed Jesus loved me I just never knew He loved me. But, I am sure if you ask Him, “Jesus do You really love ME?” I know His answer will always be an ASTOUNDING YES, I LOVE YOU FOREVER, EVEN BEYOND INFINITY!


12 “This is My commandment, that you love and unselfishly seek the best for one another, just as I HAVE LOVED YOU. 13 No one has greater love [nor stronger commitment] than to lay down his own life for his friends. 14 You are my friends if you keep on doing what I command you. 


15 I do not call you servants any longer, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you [My] friends because I have revealed to you everything that I have heard from My FatherJohn 15:12-15 Amplified


Enjoy Christ and Enjoy Life!




2 thoughts on “HEAVEN SERENADE: You Really Love Me

  1. Freeing TRUTH — He LOVES Me! Amen!
    And NOW though we don’t see Him, we LOVE Him . . . with JOY inexpressible and full of glory. (1 Peter 10 Hallelujah!

    1. Oh yes, I see Him! Not with my physical eyes but with my Spiritual eyes!! Oh yes I can see Him clearly NOW! Jesus told His disciples I will go away the world won’t see Me but you will see Me. John 14:19

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