Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? For what purpose was I created? These are the questions of a searching heart. They are the questions asked by humanity since the beginning of time. Humanity remains desperate to make sense of his world and the world around him. We look at the stars for our purpose. We look to nature for ‘the why’ of our existence, then worship IT.



We attempt to satisfy these questions with external things. We say, “I am created to be a——-,” whatever our vocation is. We say, “I am created to do” —— whatever the task may be. Or we say, “I am created to fulfill” —– whatever the plan may be. If it is not a vocation, a position, or a plan for our existence, we turn our focus to each other.


In the Body of Christ, we explore our spiritual gifts to bless others to give us meaning and purpose.

We focus on taking care of each other, pleasing each other, or making each other happy. I applaud you for these noble causes; however, there is something still more profound than these things. Did you know we can accomplish caring for, pleasing each other, and making each other happy in the flesh without the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, but is this the primary reason we are created?


Some may say, “I am created to serve and please God.” What an excellent and sincere statement, yet it comes short in fulfilling the REAL purpose for our existence. Let me share an incident that happened to me several years ago.


In April 2017, I was awakened by the sweet and tender voice of my Lord; He whispered these words in my heart, ‘For Him.’ Those two words set me on a path of discovery in the scriptures to understand their true meaning. ‘For Him’ can open the prison doors in our minds. These two words can quiet every fear, answer the questions of our existence, and bring our search to an end. ‘For Him.’ If we allow this truth to come into the darkness of our minds and seep through the crevices of our souls, these words will change us FOREVER IF WE WILL LET THEM. Let me share with you the meaning of these two words. Colossians 1:16 in the Amplified Version of the Bible reads:



16 For BY Him (Jesus Christ) ALL THINGS were CREATED in heaven and on earth, [things] visible and invisible, whether thrones, dominions, rulers, or authorities; ALL THINGS were CREATED and EXIST through Him [that is, by His activity] and FOR HIM.


What does the scripture mean? It means the only reason we were created, the only reason we have breath in our lungs, the only reason we walk upon planet earth is FOR HIMWe are created to be loved by our Lord, to love Him, and to please the heart of Jesus.  The question is, will we hate evil by denying sin and the flesh we created to allow Him to live His Life through us every second of the day? And will we sit at His feet to learn to know His heart and seek to understand what He desires of us? Although natural things are essential, they are temporal and will pass away. Our relationship with Jesus Christ will last forever!


Here is a splendid example of a man in search of the meaning of his existence.


A young man came to me for counseling several years ago. He was 27 years old. He had reached the pinnacle of his career; he made six figures on his job, married, had a brand-new luxury home in an exclusive neighborhood, and was becoming a workaholic trying to keep up the lifestyle he had built. He said to me with tears in his eyes, “I have all of these things; all my wife and I need now is a baby.” “Is this it?” My answer to him was, “No, it’s not. But I can I tell you why our Father created you?” Then he replied, “No, that’s okay, maybe I will start doing volunteer work somewhere in the community to give my life purpose.” With that said, he left my office, still disillusioned, and never returned to counseling. His heart was knocking at the door of eternity, asking God, “Who am I? Why am I here? Why do I exist?” And Jesus came to the door to answer his ‘heart’s cry,’ but his heart was not open to His answer. I prayed for him when he left my office that day as I have for the many souls who sat on my couch searching for the answer to their ‘heart’s cry.’ 


Another scripture came to my heart as I was reading Colossians 1:16; it is in Revelation 4:9-11 in the King James Version of the Bible:


9 And when those beasts give glory and honor and thanks to him that sat on the throne who live forever and ever,

10 The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that live forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying,

11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, honor, and power: for thou have created ALL THINGS, and FOR THY PLEASURE they are and were created.


It is such a tragedy that humanity has made life all about himself when all creation and heaven worship only ONE… Jesus Christ. The angels know why they are created, the birds know why they are created, the beasts of the field know why they are created, but when you ask mankind why he is created, he points to himself or doing something for God.


I pray that before we leave planet earth to live with Him forever, we spend time with Him each day to hear His heart as we live to fulfill His desires by denying sin and the flesh’s rule in our lives and yielding to His Holy Spirit who lives within and through us.



Colossians 1:16



Enjoy Christ, Enjoy Life!


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