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Month: August 2019

TEACHING MOMENTS – “The Question of Submission”

TEACHING MOMENTS – “The Question of Submission”

   In our previous blog, we discussed how Jesus gave us the Gift of Submission. We saw how important it is and was in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. We learned to submit, means to yield the right of way to, give up rights to, let go of power or will to, to be subject to, and come under the authority of.  No longer our wills but our Lord’s will being done.   I would like to pose…

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TEACHING MOMENT “The Gift of Submission”

TEACHING MOMENT “The Gift of Submission”

 THE GIFT OF SUBMISSION (First posted October 2017)                                             In today’s blog, I want to share with you an important gift given to us by our Father. It is a gift our Lord Jesus used over and over again during His journey on the earth. It is the most profound, yet simple gift, we can use which will ALWAYS…

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TEACHING MOMENTS “My Most Intimate Needs Can Only Be Fulfilled By God”

TEACHING MOMENTS “My Most Intimate Needs Can Only Be Fulfilled By God”

Most of my life, I tried desperately to try to fill the most intimate needs of my heart through people. My parents were the first people in my life who I thought were created to meet them but they couldn’t. Then, I thought my family and friends… they couldn’t. Finally, I thought maybe my boyfriends or husband and they couldn’t either. Finally, I looked to activities, work, positions, church, and ministry… they brought more stress, but some brought temporary satisfaction….

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TEACHING MOMENTS “In the Kingdom of God… Weakness is Strength”

TEACHING MOMENTS “In the Kingdom of God… Weakness is Strength”

It’s been 40 years now walking with my Lord but in the early part of my journey with the Lord, I tried desperately to hold my life together as it was falling apart.  I often felt weak and vulnerable, which were my greatest fears. But, I discovered how the Lord used my weakness and vulnerabilities to become my greatest strengths.   How many of us hate feeling weak and vulnerable? It is natural to protect ourselves from danger, failure, fears,…

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TEACHING MOMENTS “The Humble I Teach My Ways” Part 2

TEACHING MOMENTS “The Humble I Teach My Ways” Part 2

Learning to humble myself and sit at the feet of my Lord Jesus daily hasn’t been easy. Within the heart of most believers, is the desire to serve Him, rather than love Him. If you look at Martha in the picture above, she is listening to Him at a distance rather than choosing to be close to Him face to face and at His feet like her sister, Mary. Serving Jesus with outward activities is one way to hide from…

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