He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you
Except to be just, and to love [and to diligently practice] kindness (compassion),
And to walk humbly with your God [setting aside any overblown sense of importance or flesh-righteousness]?

Micah 6:8 AMP



In our last blog, we discovered we were created BY God and FOR God! Our Father desires to share ALL that He is and ALL that He has with His precious children. I sit in awe each day as I experience the wonders of His love and grace towards me; thank you, Papa. I am becoming more aware of our Father’s heart and His ways. I want to share one of the ways our Father teaches us His ways.


When I was growing up in the Lord, I acted proudly and religiously. I was zealous to learn the scriptures. I was sincere in praying and fasting for prolonged periods. I thought I was “drawing closer” to God. However, I discovered spiritual disciplines do not bring us closer to God. He is as close as He ever will be, living within us. So, in the flesh, all my works of the law revealed that I was mean, impatient, unkind, and preached at people. I did not allow Christ to love me, so I could not allow Him to love others through me. One day, the Lord used my husband’s words to pull the religious façade from my soul. He said, “Tresca, how come you are so sweet to everybody else but not me?” I just ignored him. But later, Jesus asked me the same question. I could not hide from the eyes of Jesus, who saw how I covered my naked soul with fig leaves of church attendance, ministering to others, reading my Bible, spending quiet time, and other spiritual disciplines to hide my deep need for His grace and life, He knew me. When Jesus pulled back the curtain of my soul that day, He saw my little soul hiding in religiosity rather than hiding in His grace and love. So, to get Jesus to back off, I quoted a passage of scripture to Him. He stopped me in my track and said these words; they are sealed in my mind forever, “My Beloved, the Humble I will teach my ways and reveal Myself to them.” Wow! I told the Lord how sorry I was and prayed that He would free me from the proudful religious flesh I created. Over the years, as I have yielded and submitted my soul (mind, will, and emotions) to Him, He has and still is revealing His love and life in me.


He leads the humble in justice; He teaches the humble His way. Psalm 25:9 AMP


For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Luke 14:11 AMP


It has been over 40 years, and His words still ring in my heart and soul today. In the book of James, Chapter 4 verse 6, states:


But He gives us more and more grace [through the power of the Holy Spirit to defy sin and live an obedient life that reflects both our faith and our gratitude for our salvation]. Therefore, it says, “God is opposed to the proud and haughty, but [continually] gives [the gift of] grace to the humble [who turn away from flesh-righteousness].”


Our Father, Lord, and the Holy Spirit love us so much and desire that we walk with them and allow them to lead us each moment; they will not force us. The scripture says:


He Opposes the Proud


  • Those who have all the answers
  • Those who try to figure life on their own
  • Those who refuse to trust and depend on them
  • Those who take matters into their own hand
  • Those who resist the grace of God but choose to rely on the flesh (man’s way of getting his needs met outside of Christ)
  • Those who close their eyes and ears to the voices of wisdom and correction
  • Those who are not teachable.


But He Gives Grace to the Humble


  • Those who are weak and dependent upon them
  • Those who turn to them for guidance, clarity, and direction
  • Those who receive and accept correction
  • Those who turn away from following the flesh.
  • Those who embrace the heart and desires of God above their own. (not my will, Father, but only Your will be done)
  • Those who heed the voice of wisdom and cherish His words
  • Those who are teachable in the ways and purposes of God.


Over the years, I have learned and am still learning how to walk humbly with my Father and Lord. I have discovered who I am in Christ and who He is within me. The TRUE me is gentle, needy, lowly, poor in spirit, submitted, and yielded to the will, ways, and purposes of my God. So, when pride comes to tempt me to obey his voice, I remember who I am in Christ, resist his lies and stand in who I am In Christ.


What does the Lord require of us? He desires that we act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with Him?



Enjoy Christ, Enjoy Life!

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