In the hour in which we live, with pain and sorrow all around, remember there are arms open wide where we can turn to and hide. Within the very heart and soul of believers, Jesus the Lover of our souls live. He calls us to share our pain, sadness, and sorrows with Him. His heart is to heal us, restore us, and to enjoy us every moment of our day. But, sometimes our pain, distractions, the voice of the enemy, and busyness of the world around us rock us into a deep slumbering sleep so that we don’t hear the voice of our Beloved calling us to be still and enjoy Him. This song was written to remind us of who we are and to stay alert to hear and enjoy the beautiful Lord Jesus who lives within us.



Copyright © 2005 Tresca S. Grannum


Wake up my beloved its time to climb higher.
Let’s journey higher into the crevices of my heart.
It’s time to put away your childishness and draw close to me.
Its time to know me, really know me, to love, really love me.
I am your Beloved the Lover of your soul.



What I have longed for is you, wearing your Holy gown.
Adorned with majestic beauty, adorned with your crown.
No one but you can set my heart ablaze.
Like a shooting star, we will cross the milky ways.
Down through the ages I have yearned for my bride.
To experience My Holy love, in pure grandeur abide.



To every hungry soul, I call you, I call you, I call you.
To the depths of your beings, I call you.
Do you hear me, through these words can you hear me?
It is time to know me, yes really know, with your whole heart.
You can know just who I AM.


Here I am My Lord, Here I am today.
Live Your life through me, love through me, this I pray.
May all who see me, see Your reflection of grace and peace.
May they be drawn to You My Beloved, the Noblest Prince of Peace.



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