He has made everything beautiful and appropriate in its time. He has also planted ETERNITY [a sense of divine purpose] in the human heart [a mysterious longing which nothing under the sun can satisfy, except God]—yet man cannot find out (comprehend, grasp) what God has done (His overall plan) from the beginning to the end. Ecclesiastes 3:11 (Amplified)



The Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 3, verse eleven, has been on my heart for a few days. As I reflected on this scripture, I discovered the word ‘world’ written in the King James Version of the Bible instead of ‘eternity.’


He hath made everything beautiful in his time; also he hath set the world in their heart so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.


In Hebrew, the word ‘world’ is olam which means, eternity, to veil from sight, conceal, and secret things.


Our Father has set eternity in our hearts. He has hidden it from mankind; however, He longs for mankind to find its meaning and understand its purpose. We are on a lifelong quest to understand this mystery, void, emptiness, and darkness within our spirits. No wonder, in our desperation, we try everything to fill this void to make us feel complete. Just look around and see the things the world offers us to help fill the void. The world says:


  • Buying the new and unique thing
  • Going to the latest and exotic place
  • Drinking the latest alcohol or drug
  • Wearing the newest fashion
  • Trying the newest fragrance
  • Looking like this person on television or in the magazine
  • Driving the most unique and fastest car
  • Losing these many pounds to feel good about yourself
  • Making this much money to be successful
  • Living in this kind of house
  • Raising these kinds of successful children
  • Having a great and perfect relationship or marriage.


This list can go on to infinity. But what if we obtain all the above things? Will they fill eternity dwelling within our hearts? Do you remember King Solomon, who shared his testimony in the book of Ecclesiastes? King Solomon was King David’s son; he was the richest and wisest man who ever lived. According to the Bible and some scholars, his net worth was: 2 trillion dollars. King Solomon ruled from 970 BC to 931 BC. During this time, he received 25 tons of gold for each of the 39 years of his reign, which would be worth billions of dollars in our time. Yet, in all of this, King Solomon came to this conclusion, “All is vanity and vexation to the soul. In the end, like a vapor, it will all pass away.” He left this world with an empty heart and soul, never understanding the meaning of eternity in his heart, though he had many wives and material riches.


Unlike King Solomon, I did not possess wealth or prominence, however, I felt eternity deep within my heart. It was like a nagging toothache that would not go away. I tried everything I knew to fill it with little relief. But when I turned my heart to the ONE who made the heavens and the earth, I knew only He could fill it.



Even though I gave my heart to the Lord when I was eight years old, on July 26, 1979, was the beginning of my  experiencing  The Light, Jesus the Christ  penetrate through my soul’s darkness. 


For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts to give us the Light of the knowledge of the glory and majesty of God [clearly revealed] in the face of Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6 AMP


 In Him (Jesus Christ) was life [and the power to bestow life], and the life was the Light of men. 5 The Light shines on in the darkness, and the darkness did not understand it, overpower it, appropriate it, or absorb it [and is unreceptive to it]. John 1:4-5 AMP


When I gave my heart and soul to Jesus, I did not fully understand His goal was to eradicate the darkness in my life. You see, I was looking for something to fill eternity within me, but my Father had given me someone, His Son, Jesus the Christ, The Eternal Life.



Jesus is the only ONE who can fill eternity in our hearts. He is not a thing but a person who longs to love us through an intimate relationship. He has filled our hearts (spirits), but He wants to bring His fullness into our souls (minds, will, and emotions). Let us look at a few scriptures taken from the Amplified version of the Bible.


John 15:39 – You search and keep on searching and examining the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life, and yet it is those [very Scriptures] that testify about Me.


John 6:27 – Do not work for food that perishes, but for food that endures [and leads] to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you; for God, the Father has authorized Him and put His seal on Him.


John 17:3 – Now this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true [supreme and sovereign] God, and [in the same manner know] Jesus [as the] Christ whom You have sent.


No thing or no one can fill eternity within our hearts. Only Jesus Christ, The Eternal Life, will fill it. We can abide confidently in His love knowing the fullness of His Life and Light lives within us and He will shine in our darkness and bring to light to the dark places of our souls so He can make us whole.


And the testimony is this: God has given us Eternal Life [we already possess it], and this life is in His Son [resulting in our spiritual completeness and eternal companionship with Him]. I John 5:11 AMP



Enjoy Christ, Enjoy Life!


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