In the Sacred Journey, Part 8, Spirit is Alive again. Grace, Spirit’s elder brother, and her uncle Truth came into ‘The World’ from Sacred Meadows to rescue their family members from the tyranny of Evil One and his family. Grace and uncle Truth devised a plan to enter the city unnoticed and blend in with the citizens of ‘The World’ to find Soul, Emotions, Thinker and Will.


As morning arose in ‘The World,’ Grace told uncle Truth, “Uncle Truth, I have a plan. Let’s find a place in the center of town where everyone assembles and sell our precious perfumes; everyone love perfumes.” Grace continued, “Only in Sacred Meadows can you find such exquisite and exotic fragrances.” Uncle Truth responded, “Grace, what an excellent idea! Once we have sold our perfumes, people will want more and we can tell them of Sacred Meadows, then they will desire to leave this place to live with us.”


The three of them walked through the hot and parched desert until they saw the gate to ‘The World.’ As they entered through the gates of the city, they followed the road which led to the city’s center. The sounds of laughter and shouting filled the city as merchants and citizens rushed through the busy streets. A young man dashed by hurrying to get his morning coffee, Grace stopped him and said, “Hello sir. We are new to the city. Can you tell us where we can find a place to live, then buy and sell our perfumes?” The young man shook his head. No, then proceeded on his way. Another woman passed by hurrying to get to work. “Hey there madam,” uncle Truth beckoned. “Can you show us where we can find a place to live and sell our perfumes?” The lady did not respond but kept walking. When no one took the time to stop to answer their question, Grace removed the lid from the vial of perfume called Rose of Sharon and shook it in the air. The aroma was astonishing! People came from their homes, the marketplace, throughout the city to get a whiff of the smell of perfume from Sacred Meadows, but none of them wanted to buy the perfume, only smell its sweet aroma. “Sir,” an older man said. “What do you have in the vial?” Grace responded, “A very rare and precious perfume called Rose of Sharon it gives you peace, rest, quietness, and solitude for your mind. We sell perfumes which relieve stress, heal tired and aching muscles, and remove tension; can you use any of these?” The man responded, “Yes, oh yes, I will take four bottles, please.” The man said, “Come stay at my house for a while and you can share my rug booth with me until you get your own.” Uncle Truth, Grace, and Spirit smiled with gratefulness at his gesture.

As three months passed, they did not see their siblings. One day, Spirit noticed Soul walking with Flesh through the marketplace. She yelled, “Hey there young lady!” She could not tell her sister who she was. “Please try our precious perfumes to ease your stress and give you peace of mind?” Grace, her elder brother, saw and recognized her and yelled, “You madam! Here is a sample of our amazing perfume? We know you will love it! As my sister said, it will ease your mind, and quiet your emotions?” Soul looked up but did not recognize them, then Flesh responded. “That stuff does not work! Hey! Does my father, Evil One, know what you are doing in the town’s center?” “Who gave you permission to promote such idiotic ideas?” Grace responded, “Sir, we have permission to sell our perfumes maybe not from your father. You are welcome to try some.” Flesh shook his head No, in disgust and continued on with Soul. Soul, tired, weary, with her head drooping from the stresses of ‘The World’ walked away with Flesh.


Did Soul recognize her siblings? We know she did not recognize their faces but did she recognize their voices? Maybe she recognized the fragrance of Rose of Sharon, the fragrance only found in Sacred Meadows as it penetrated the lifeless air.


THE GIFT of HIS PRESENCE: Grace, uncle Truth, and Spirit arrived in ‘The World,’ yet no one recognized who they were, not even Soul. How often do we miss the Lord in the midst of our circumstances because we are so preoccupied or distracted by worldliness, sin, or the flesh? Before Jesus died and left his disciples, He told them, “I am going away, but I will return, THE WORLD WILL NOT SEE ME, BUT YOU WILL SEE ME.” Can you see Jesus? Do you experience His presence in your life each day? HE IS HERE, but many of us miss Him. His presence is the aroma of perfume that penetrates through every dark and lonely place. His presence draws us away to pray. His presence nudges us when we are going astray or choosing our way. His presence convicts us when we treat others unkindly. His presence leads and guides us to do the will of our Father. His presence draws us to rest and trust Him. He promised, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” This promise is to us who love and adore our Lord, or is He only lying?


Prayer: Papa, thank you for sending our Lord Jesus and elder brother, the one who is FULL of Grace and Truth into our darkness. The world surrounds us with death, pain, fear, loneliness, rejection, and so many challenges we can’t understand. Even though you are here, but we do not recognize your presence, please teach us to hear and recognize your sweet voice so that we may turn to you and trust you in and through every circumstance we face. AMEN


HEAVEN SERENADES YOU TODAY: “The Voice of the Lord” (Songs found on the Menu Page, Heaven Serenades)



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