In the Sacred Journey, Part 5, Thinker has a new identity, her thoughts, values, and beliefs are no longer those taught by her father in Sacred Meadows. Thinker has embraced the thoughts of Flesh. Thinker believes she is better than others, more intelligent, and everyone else beneath her. She learned to solve problems her way. She exalted herself to a place in her own eyes as ‘god,’ lacking nothing and needing no one.

As Flesh and the siblings met in the town square, a man dressed in a purple and gold robe with a crown on his head strolled into their midst. He was tall, handsome, and very appealing to the eyes. Flesh said, “Everyone, this is my uncle, Sin.” “He is my father Evil One’s youngest brother.”He escorted his uncle and the siblings into a corridor nearby. He continued, “For the past few days, I have instructed both Emotion and Thinker my expectations of them. Today, I believe the time has come for Will and Soul to learn from you, the expert Uncle Sin, on how to manage their lives by listening to Emotion, Thinker, and now to you.” “Uncle Sin is a ‘Do it man,’ said Flesh. His motto is, whatever you want, Just do it.” Uncle Sin smiled, then he looked at Will and Soul and said, “I heard you came from a place called Sacred Meadows,” right? They nodded, yes. “I know your father, he is a wonderful and gracious man I might add, but he told you stories that are not true. I believe he taught you we were not good for you. He said we will lie and hide the truth from you. He also said our ways were not his ways and our thoughts were not his. Well, he deceived you because he did not want you to make your own decisions or be your own boss. We are our own boss! We enjoy having a good time and doing whatever we please -you can’t blame a person for wanting that?” Sin asked. “Come here you two; Flesh told me your roles in the family. Will, you are the chooser, you will make the right choices because I will teach you how. You are the decision-maker, the one who says yes or no to every challenge that presents itself. Your job is to always convince Soul to do whatever I tell you to do. Sometimes she may not agree with the things I am teaching you. Never give in, no matter what Soul hears from Thinker or Emotion, stand your ground!” Sin turned to Soul and said, ” Soul you are the one who takes in thoughts, reasoning, sight, sounds, and feelings from your siblings then you and Will choose a course of action, right? Soul replied, “Yes sir that is my job, my father put my sister Spirit in charge but she is asleep at the bottom of the hill, my siblings put me in charge.” Sin replied, “With my guidance, you will become a great leader and achieve everything you set your desires upon. Let me show you something special.” Sin took Soul and Will by their hands and led them outside and pointed to the city called the World and said, “My brother Evil One, his children, and I rule this place. We invite you to experience the kingdom we have created. You can have riches, popularity, power, and influence, everything you want Soul, it can be yours all you have to do is make success your goal.”

With the world at their fingertips and Sin as their master, what price will Soul and her siblings have to pay to rule and reign with Sin?


THE GIFT of WILL AND SOUL: In Part 6, Will and Soul met Uncle Sin who is the expert in teaching Will and Soul ways to gain power and influence in the World. His tactic was, ‘Just do it.’ Sin had no boundaries, rules, or restraints; if it feels good, ‘Just do it.’ No matter if it hurts you and it does not matter if it hurt others, ‘Just do it.’ Sin promised riches, popularity, power, and influence, which appealed to Will and Soul. What will it profit them to gain the whole World and lose their sister Soul, the same way they lost their sister, Spirit?


Prayer: Papa, this story grieves your heart. You see how we choose Sin as our ‘Master’ instead of you. Many of us want what Sin offers us more than you. He offers us tangible things not eternal and spiritual things that will last. We believe the lies Sin tells us regarding you: to gain power, influence, riches, etc. we have to strive for it. The TRUTH is… the earth is yours, everything, and everyone in it. You told us if we turned to You with our whole heart and seek you FIRST then ALL of these things are FREELY GIVEN to us. Thank you, Papa. Amen

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