In the Sacred Journey, Part 4, Emotion has a new identity. She no longer expresses herself by being gentle, kind, patient, loving, caring, and compassionate toward others. Flesh taught her how to be self-centered, in control and how to control others by negatively expressing her feelings. He instructed her on how to use anger as a strategy of getting what she wants. Because of using his ways of managing life, she now lives dominated by fear, worry, and anxiety.

After Flesh completed his instructions to Emotions, he beckoned for Thinker to come to him. “Thinker, you are smart and intelligent, however, the beliefs and values given to you from your father in Sacred Meadows are lies and fairy tales. It will take time for you to remove those thoughts, beliefs, and values you hold so dear,” said Flesh. “In my book, ‘Flesh Guide for Managing Life,’ my philosophy of life is ‘everything is centered’ on me getting my needs met, my way! My way is the best way-matter of fact, my way is the only way!” Flesh exclaimed. “I want you to think of yourself as superior to others. However, as I taught Emotion, you can think less of yourself to control others by making them feel sorry for you,” said Flesh. “You are in charge of your life! You can and you will always succeed-let no one stand in your way. The universe is yours and you can control how the universe aligns for you. Your energy brings both positive and negative actions your way,” Flesh explained. “Positive thinking and affirmation is a powerful tool you can use to influence others to get what you want,” said Flesh. “Experience will always be your best teacher, so try everything and do whatever makes you happy. You are your own ‘god.’ You have the power to figure out every problem on your own, you need no one! Never depend on anyone else to guide you or instruct you, my manual is what you need, so read it daily,” Flesh concluded. When he finished his instruction to Thinker, Thinker said, “Yes! Flesh you are right! I am smart and intelligent and I will be my own ‘god’!”

What will Flesh say to Will?

THE GIFT of THINKING: In Part 5, Flesh changed the identity of Thinker. The beliefs and values she treasured taught by her father in Sacred Meadows were distorted. She no longer sees herself as being part of a family serving a glorious purpose in harmony with her siblings and her father. Now, she sees herself as superior, more important than others. The most destructive thing has occurred, Thinker has isolated herself from others and her Father’s wisdom from within; she is blind and unable to see TRUTH. ‘For True wisdom only lives in a Humble Heart.’

Prayer: Papa, your Word and Wisdom are vital to our living in this world. We have become blind fools because we have chosen the lies of the flesh and mixed them with our own to create our own belief system, the little ‘god’ we worship and want others to worship. Papa, please wash our minds and thoughts with your Word, that we may behold You… the LIGHT of our world where there is NO DARKNESS IN YOU… AT ALL. Amen


2 thoughts on “THE SACRED JOURNEY Part 5

  1. I’m really enjoying these blogs,Tresca. They are well written and insightful. I love the story behind each truth also!

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