In the Sacred Journey Part 11, Soul, Emotion, Thinker, and Will were reunited with Spirit, Grace their elder brother, and uncle Truth. It was an amazing reunion where they shared the pains of the past and the joys of their present time together. They recalled for hours the joys and pleasures they experienced as children with their father in Sacred Meadows. Uncle Truth reminded them of who they were, why they were created, and their true purpose in life. He reiterated the life lessons and teachings their father taught them but had long forgotten. During those blissful hours when they were together, Emotion and Thinker were healed of their depression and oppression; Soul, once again experienced joy, peace, laughter, and love. Spirit and Soul were rejoined as One, to fulfill their father’s desires and purposes. We also recalled how just one knock at the door, changed the atmosphere of the room from freedom and peace to fear and worry by Flesh.


While Flesh stood outside the merchant’s house shaking and pounding on the door, Grace stood up and said, “Please be still my loves; let me handle it!” Will stopped him and said, “Wait Grace! Please do not interfere, you do not know what sort of people Flesh and his family are! They are mean and controlling; it is time for us to leave.” Soul stood up and said, “Will, Flesh left you in charge of us, but, no longer. From now on, Grace, uncle Truth, and Spirit will lead and guide us. Sit down and be quiet!” The siblings gathered close together as Grace walked toward the door. As he got closer to the door, the family could hear other voices talking to Flesh. Evil One, uncle Sin, Fear and Unbelief left the city to find out why Flesh had not returned home. Flesh explained, “Father, the siblings have disobeyed your commands and left the city center to visit the rug merchant and the perfume peddlers who came to our city a few months ago.” Flesh continued, “I told them to come out, but they did not listen.” Evil One replied, “Move from the door Flesh, let me handle them!” Flesh did as his father asked. The door flung open and Grace stood at the threshold of the door and asked, “Good evening sir, my name is Grace and these are my family members, how can I help you?” When Evil One saw Grace, he became furious. But, Grace stood in the doorway not moved or shaken by Evil One’s demeanor. “I came to get my family, are they in there?” Evil One asked. “No!” replied Grace, “Your family is not in here, but mine is. My uncle and I journeyed from Sacred Meadows, as my father has sent us, to find my siblings and bring them back home. We will take care of them and take them back home when we are ready.” Will was scared and frantically ran to the door then said, “Please Evil One, do not punish me I tried to tell them not to leave but they did not listen. Come on everyone, let’s go!” After listening to the commotion at the door, Soul asked her siblings, “Emotion and Thinker, “What do you want to do, stay here with Spirit, Grace, and Truth or return with Will and continue obeying Flesh, Evil One, and uncle Sin?”


What did they do? Every moment of the day the same question our Lord asks us. Will we be still and let Jesus the Lord of Heaven and Earth handle life for us or will we stand up and leave Him behind to handle the Evil One, Flesh, Sin, Fear, Unbelief, Worry, and life challenges in our own strength? HOW THIS STORY ENDS IS UP TO YOU BECAUSE…THIS IS YOUR SACRED JOURNEY!



THE GIFT of STILLNESS One of the most difficult postures in life is to sit or be still, the world calls it being lazy. The busyness of the world and the flesh pressure us to ‘do’ something. The flesh constantly makes demands on us and we feel obligated to obey. Yet, Jesus asks and pleads with us, to be still and be anxious for no thing and allow Him to handle life’s challenges for us. He has defeated the enemies of our soul and overcame every circumstance. When we truly trust Him, we will be still and sit by His side to allow Him to work things out according to His plans and purposes. Remember, every time we disobey Him, nor do what He asks, we sin and hurt the one who moved heaven and hell to be close to us because He Soooo loves us!


 Prayer: Papa, you ask us to be still and sit down so you can work out everything in life for the good. But, we ignore and disobey your wishes. We won’t allow our Lord to be Lord in our life because we believe we are stronger, smarter, and wiser than He is because we can take care of ourselves. We are believing a lie! The truth is we are weak, vulnerable, and helpless without you. Only You can open our eyes to see the Truth; please Father cause us to be still so Jesus can rule as Lord and King in our lives. AMEN

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