This is the covenant that I will make with them
After those days, says the Lord:
I will imprint My laws upon their heart,
And on their mind, I will inscribe them [producing an inward change],”

                                                                       He then says,

                                            “And their sins and their lawless acts
                             I will remember
no more [no longer holding their sins against them].”

                                                          Hebrews 10:16-17 (Amplified)

Before we begin our journey of exploring the Riches of our Father’s Grace, for our new readers I would like to lay a foundation.




Old Covenant: Between God and Israel


The Old Covenant was established between God and the people of Israel after God freed them from slavery in Egypt. Moses, who led the people out, served as the mediator of this covenant, which was made at Mount Sinai:


Then Moses took the blood from the basins and splattered it over the people, declaring, “Look, this blood confirms the covenant the Lord has made with you in giving you these instructions.” (Exodus 24:8, NLT)


God promised that the people of Israel would be His chosen people, and he would be their God:


I will claim you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God who has freed you from your oppression in Egypt. (Exodus 6:7, NLT)


God issued the Ten Commandments and the laws in Leviticus to be obeyed by the Hebrews/Israelites. If they complied, he pledged prosperity and protection in the Promised Land, and if they didn’t wrath and punishment.


Altogether, there were 613 laws covering every aspect of human behavior. Males had to be circumcised, sabbaths had to be observed, and people had to obey hundreds of dietary, social, and hygiene rules. All these regulations were intended to protect the Israelites from their neighbors’ pagan influences, but no one could keep so many laws. To address the people’s sins, God set up a system of animal sacrifices, in which the people provided cattle, sheep, and doves to be killed. Sin required blood sacrifices. Their sacrifices didn’t remove their sins permanently, they only covered them over until the following year.


New Covenant: Between God and God Living in Every Open Heart who Receives Him

(It is God working in us both to WILL and to DO of His good pleasure) Philippians 2:13

That system of animal sacrifice lasted thousands of years, but even so, it was only temporary. God the Father sent His only Son, Jesus, out of love, into the world. This New Covenant would resolve the problem of sin once and for all. 


For three years, Jesus came under the law and taught throughout Israel about a new place to live, The Kingdom of God, and His role as Messiah (the promised savior and deliverer). To support His claim as the Son of God, He performed many miracles, even raising people from the dead. By dying on the cross, Christ became the Lamb of God, the perfect sacrifice whose blood has washed away SIN FOREVER.

(Taken from

The New Covenant tore down the wall that separated Jews and Gentiles. Now, we are ALL the Chosen of God in Christ Jesus.


There is [now no distinction in regards to salvation] neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you [who believe] 
are ALL ONE IN Christ Jesus [no one can claim a spiritual superiority]. Galatians 3:28 (Amplified)


Imprint His Laws on Our Hearts

God created us in His likeness, a spirit, who has a soul and lives in our earthen body.


Our Spirits Determine our TRUE IDENTITY – Alive In Christ or Dead in Sin.

When Adam disobeyed God by eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, man’s spirit got disconnected and was separated from God who is SPIRIT. Then, every human being died a spiritual death and was disconnected from God. Every human being was in Adam’s loins.

Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, so death spread to all people [no one being able to stop it or escape its power] because they all sinned. (Romans 5:12 Amplified)


Every human being is born dead IN Adam but can be born again and made alive IN Christ.


When man was separated from God, he devised strategies and techniques to meet his needs, called the flesh. Man believes he does not need God and manages to live without Him. Jesus Christ came into our darkness to restore and reconnect us to our Father. He suffered as a human being and shed His blood to cleanse and free us from sin and the flesh so that He, the Father, and the Holy Spirit could live within us and become the supplier of all our needs.  


Jesus also came to fulfill all the demands of the law of God, all 613 of them, which were impossible for man to do. By fulfilling the law, a man In Christ became holy and righteous in the sight of God. Jesus Christ completed His mission of redemption and said, “It is finished!” 

The Riches of God’s Grace

Jesus has made us ONE with Himself, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. As a branch connected to our Vine, we draw our life and sustenance from them. Because we are no longer under the law of wrath and punishment, we get to enjoy The New Covenant of our Father’s Grace which was given to us:


  1. A New Heart – Our rebellious and wicked heart is gone. Our New Heart always desires to please our Heavenly Father living within us. Our New Heart loves because God lives within our New Heart. We must allow the love of God to flow from within our beings.


  1. A New Spirit– Our spirits are in UNION with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Kingdom of God lives within our spirits and as we yield to God’s workings will transform our souls (thoughts, emotions, and will) into God’s likeness.


  1. Sins are Forgiven– Our Father remembers our sins no more, past, present, and future. When we sin, we say, “Lord, I am sorry for my sin and thank You for paying my debt in full.” Then, choose not to sin; sin is no longer our master to obey it or follow its dictates.


  1. He Made Us His Child– We are no longer orphans alienated from the love and Life of God. He lives within us, loving and caring for us.


  1. Full Access to the Throne of Grace 24 hours a Day– The walls of separation have been destroyed. We are free to enjoy fellowship with God forever!


The Law of Love is imprinted in our New Hearts. All the laws of God have been fulfilled In Christ within us. Fellowshipping with God, receiving His Life, and allowing His Words to transform our souls will bring us into the fullness of His Life He always intended.


Christ living His Life in and through us brings immense joy to our Father!


Enjoy Christ, Enjoy (Zoe) His Life!

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