In today’s blog, I want to share a wonderful devotional book called “The Supplied Life” I bought over 15 years ago. It is written by a wonderful brother in Christ, Bill Freeman. He has gone home and enjoying the fullness of our Lord without any distractions. His devotional is no longer in print. However, you can get a copy in PDF on the Olive Tree Application for FREE.
I want to share a few of his devotionals that have blessed me over the years. I pray you enjoy them as well.
The Supplied Life: Daily Devotional
January 25, 2012
The Meaning of Your Shortages by Pastor Bill Freeman
“For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.” Romans 8:29
In our daily life, everything is significant because we know we have been predestinated. We have been marked out ahead with a destiny, which is to be conformed to the image of God’s Son. So turning to Jesus and interacting with Him, calling upon Him, touching Him, IS THE MEANING OF MY LIFE. It is the meaning of every shortage I find in myself.

Do you understand that the meaning of your shortages and weaknesses is Christ? Your shortage is not just something for you to overcome, to get through, to be rid of. That is not what it is for. It is for Christ to make His home in your heart (Eph. 3:17). We think that for Christ to make His home in our hearts, we need to “clean up the house.” But this means that we would be the savior. We would work to present ourselves to God in a perfect condition, as though we were the ones doing it. However, this is not the way Christ makes His home in our hearts. Instead, we bring our rickety, broken-down house—with the messes, with the clutter in the closets—we bring it to Him and say, “Jesus, now You live here. You cleanse my heart. You do all the work, Lord.”
This is the purpose of all our problems. It is about Christ taking over the job and making home in our hearts. It is not arriving at a perfect state that I have accomplished by my own energy. It is a perfect touch, a perfect interaction, with a Perfect Person who is my supply.
Love this, Tresca. Thanks for sharing this devotional. A real treasure . . . as are YOU!
Thank You! So simple and to the point, right? I love Bill’s simple exhortations.
I truly enjoy reading them each and every week, they definitely feed me -I thank my father everyday for placing you in my life.I truly love you.
Wonderful so very glad!!