TEACHING MOMENTS “My Most Intimate Needs Can Only Be Fulfilled By God”

TEACHING MOMENTS “My Most Intimate Needs Can Only Be Fulfilled By God”

Most of my life, I tried desperately to try to fill the most intimate needs of my heart through people. My parents were the first people in my life who I thought were created to meet them but they couldn’t. Then, I thought my family and friends… they couldn’t. Finally, I thought maybe my boyfriends or husband and they couldn’t either. Finally, I looked to activities, work, positions, church, and ministry… they brought more stress, but some brought temporary satisfaction. So can you imagine the anger, stress, and disappointment I felt when no one could love me or fill the deep longings of my heart the way I expected them too? So I used my fleshly strategies with people, such as playing on their emotions, manipulating, pouting, and even trying to control them to get my needs met and it brought only resentment, frustration, and disappointment. Have you ever felt this way? In today’s blog, I got great news for you! Look no further, the Lord, your Maker, your Creator, and the Lover of your soul will fulfill all of your needs as He has all of mine… if you would just let Him.


Our Lord created us with deep intimate needs that only He can fulfill… He designed us that way! Let’s look at a few:  Love, Acceptance, Affection, Appreciation, Approval, Attention, Comfort, Encouragement, Respect, Security, and Support.



Here is how our Lord meets them.


  • Loves and Accepts Us – Our Lord accepts us just as we are, but loves us so much that He does not desire to leave us as we are. He accepts us without any conditions, never based on what WE DO or not DO but on who He is… Infinite Love.  


  • Is Affectionate Towards Us – Our Lord expresses His love in so many wonderful ways. He expressed His love on the cross when He told us “I will take your place.” He is affectionate towards us when we receive a hug, a kiss, a kind gesture from others; He uses people. His love is Agape (unconditional, no strings attached, a heavenly, pure kind of love), Man’s love is eros (romantic), (phileo (friendship) based on the performance of the object. (If you are kind, then I am kind. If you don’t meet my expectations, then I won’t meet yours; I will reject you.)


  • Appreciates Us – Our Lord values us individually as if we were the only ONE on earth. He holds us in very high esteem and calls us His Prized Possession, because of Christ who lives within us. He calls us HIS BELOVED, HIS SONS, HIS BRIDE.


  • Approves of Us – Our Lord approves of us not because of who we are but because of who Christ is within us! When we received the precious Lord Jesus into our hearts Our Father called us His children and loves us with the same love and honor He has with His Son, Jesus Christ.


  • Is Attentive to Us – Our Lord is mindful, watchful, take purposeful care of the things that matter to us. We are more important than any sparrow that falls to the ground, even the hairs on our heads are all numbered. Because He lives within us, He is aware of every challenge we face together and He is our wisdom, power, and grace to overcome every one when we look to Him.


  • Comforts Us – Our Lord consoles us, eases us, and refreshes us, and removes all of our distress when we bring them to Him. He is our Comforter, who will remain in us and with us forever.


  • Encourages Us – Our Lord encourages us in all of our distresses and knows just how to meet our every need. He encourages us through His Word, during prayer, through fellowship, and through our brothers and sisters in Christ. He communicates to us through our own Love Language.


  • Respects Us – Our Lord respects us when we humble ourselves and honor His words and counsel. Our Lord will never override our wills but will guide us through circumstances to yield and submit our wills to His. When we do not listen or obey, He uses Adversity and Affliction as our Teachers to get our attention. (Isaiah 30:20) He loves us so much as a wise Father He disciplines those He loves, never to break our spirits but to cause us to depend on Him rather than the sinful flesh.


  • Is Our Security – Our Lord is our hope, shield, protector, strength, help, and fortress. As we abide under His wings, we will never be shaken or moved. When we take our eyes off our Lord in any situation and circumstance, WE WILL SINK.


  • Is Our Support – Our Lord will never leave us nor forsake us! If our God is for us, then who can be against us! When men shall forsake us, leave us, hurt us or abandon us. Our Lord is our HUSBAND and FATHER to care for us.


Of course people, especially, the Body of Christ, can and do meet these needs for us, however, they are limited in fulfilling them completely. When our needs are fulfilled and satisfied by our Lord, then and only then can we truly recognize the limitations of every human being who is trying to get their intimate needs as well.


Remember, our souls are as deep and as wide as the Grand Canyon…Only God can Fill them!



Philippians 4:19 (Amplified) My God will liberally supply (fill until full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.



2 thoughts on “TEACHING MOMENTS “My Most Intimate Needs Can Only Be Fulfilled By God”

  1. Your blog today was truly a message to my heart, you are truly anointed , to God Be the glory, my sister

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