TEACHING MOMENTS – “Free to Submit”
As Dorian approaches in the next few days, I wanted to send out my blog a little earlier just in case we lose electricity. Please pray for us as we prepare for this hurricane. We know, in and through all circumstances, our Father is greater and able to keep us no matter what difficulties we may face. We look to Him for grace, safety, and protection for all of us on the east coast.
The message of Submission is so important because only in submitting our hearts and wills to our Lord first, is He able to carry out His will and purposes in and through us. The REAL US IN CHRIST is always willing to obey but the flesh is weak and can never carry out our Lord’s will and doesn’t want to either. I am so glad that In Christ and through Christ we can do all things because He is our Life, ability, and strength.
We have learned over the past few weeks, Jesus Christ is the ‘Final Authority’ over every angelic being, power, and human institution. He is the ‘Final Authority’ over every human being. So, as the Beloved of Christ, we never have to fear of being vulnerable, used, abused, or coming under the authority of others. Christ will care for us and guide us as we submit to Him first and resist the flesh or the evil one who wants to protect us from pain out of fear.

Therefore, submit to one another, yield the right of way to, give up rights to, let go of power or will to, to be subject to, and come under the authority of as pleasing to our Lord Jesus Christ. For it is God who is working in us and through us both to will and to do of His Good Pleasure.