What Hinders Our Happily Ever After?


In our last blog, SINderella’s name was changed to Surrenderella. This occurred when she married Prince Beloved and gave her life to Him. After changing her name to Surrenderella, Prince Beloved invited her to move into His kingdom to live with Him and live happily ever after. There were two big problems though: she never understood or embraced her TRUE IDENTITY in the kingdom as Princess Beloved, (one who has power and authority) and she brought the trunk of her past into the kingdom with her.



Does Surrenderlla actions sound familiar? We give our hearts to the Lord and are grateful for the privilege to be called “His Beloved” yet, we have no idea exactly what that means nor the awesome benefits awaiting us. What we have known all of our lives is how unacceptable, rejected, and unlovable we were and our only means to survive were to be pleasers or performers or both. We don’t understand how much Prince Beloved really loves us as He already knew what He was getting when HE CHOSE US. But, it is far too much for us to understand the invitation, choice, and the marriage we have with Him. We can’t comprehend what He sees in us nor how to live in such an amazing place as THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Even though we are reminded:

Colossians 1:13 (Mirror Bible) – He rescued us from the dominion of darkness (the sense-ruled world, dominated by law and performance) and relocated us into the kingdom where the LOVE OF HIS SON RULES).


Surrenderella lives in confusion and darkness because she doesn’t know the TRUTH of her NEW IDENTITY IN CHRIST. She lives with a veil over her understanding and does as she has always done and acted like she has always acted in the ways of the flesh and sin. Until she understands the TRUTH of her New Life in Christ, living in the kingdom of love, grace, freedom, and life, she remains stuck between belief, unbelief, and doubt (which is fear).


Because Surrenderella felt so unworthy and out-of-place in her new home, she went into the private chambers of her bedroom and removed her crown from her head and laid her scepter on her bed. Then put on the head rag she was used to wearing. Surrenderella didn’t understand what the ‘Crown’ she wore represented… how could she, she had never worn one before.


The Crown

The ‘Crown’ represents the ‘Crown of Righteousness.’
• My Prince has made me acceptable, righteous, (Good Enough) and Holy.
• He has fully received me and accepted me as HIS.
• The ‘Crown’ denotes having the mind of Christ and the wisdom of God.
• The ‘Crown’ speaks to my Royal Identity and Co-ownership to ALL there is in the kingdom… as MINE.
• The ‘Crown’ also shows those around me who I am and whose I am.
• I am no longer my own, I am NEVER alone, I belong!

Surrenderella, didn’t understand her royal identity by the ‘Crown’ she wore; she also didn’t understand the ‘Scepter’ given to her… so she laid aside her ‘Scepter.’


The Scepter

• The Scepter was given to her to reveal her power and authority to rule in the kingdom of her life and the kingdom around her.
• The ‘Scepter’ was used to rule over all the power of her enemies: sin, flesh, the world, and the evil one. None of her enemies had power over her ever again!
• All power and authority in heaven and earth was given to her by Prince Beloved because He had conquered and overthrew all the powers of darkness and kingdoms of this world.

Revelation 11:15 Amplified- The kingdom (dominion rule) of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever. 


Poor Surrenderella, she has been given a brand NEW HOME in the Kingdom of God and is loved and adored by the Lover of the Universe, yet, she doesn’t know how to accept and embrace her NEW LIFE nor His love given to her. And, she can’t experience all the benefits of her new title, Princess Beloved. Because she doesn’t understand the power and authority given to her, she lives with a pauper and beggar mentality. She remains in the darkness as the enemies of her soul oppress her with fear, guilt, and shame.


Prayer: Papa, we all act like Surrenderella in some way, not knowing or understanding our authority we possess in Your kingdom. You chose us and brought us into Your kingdom because of Your great love for us. There is nothing we can do or not do to deserve it. Teach us what it means to wear the ‘Crown’ You have given us and how to use the ‘Scepter’ of authority to rule over all of our enemies that harass us each day. Amen


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