Many of you have wondered how I am doing after hurricane Irma came my way. I am grateful to report, I am doing just wonderful! Thursday, before the hurricane was reported coming to our area, I drove to Texas for a week. So I didn’t experience the hurricane at all. Texas was sunny every day. Unfortunately, Jacksonville and some of the surrounding communities suffered great loss. Please pray for us as we go through the rebuilding of our communities. In our Del Webb community, we only lost shingles from the roofs and experienced power outages. I am heading back home tomorrow to assess any other damages. Thank you all for your prayers and concerns.


Today’s blog, I pray, will change your lives. Matter of fact,


Prayer: Father, make this blog a reality in our lives, not just mere knowledge to grasp or glance over. Father and Holy Spirit, ONLY YOU CAN OPEN OUR EYES TO THIS AMAZING TRUTH AND WITHOUT YOU OPENING OUR EYES, WE WILL ALWAYS SEE OURSELVES AS BEING ALONE, HELPLESS, AND DOING LIFE WITH YOUR HELP. Amen


Did you know that 3 + 1= 1? No way Tresca, 3 + 1 = 4. It does in mathematics. But, in the Kingdom of God and from our Father’s calculations 3 + 1 = 1. Let me ask a question, did our Father answer Jesus when He prayed? Really? Every time Jesus prayed, did our Father hear Him and answered His prayer? I know for a fact He did. Every prayer Jesus ever prayed, our Father answered with an ASTOUNDING YES, MY SON…YES. Let’s take a look at some of the scriptures Jesus prayed from the Amplified version of the Bible:


John 17:20-21 “I do not pray for these alone [it is not for their sake only that I make this request], but also for [all] those who [will ever] believe and trust in Me through their message, 21 that they all may be ONE; JUST AS YOU FATHER ARE IN ME, AND I IN YOU, AND WE ARE ONE, that they also may be ONE IN US, so that the world may believe [without any doubt] that You sent Me.


John 17:22-23  I have given to them the glory and honor which You have given Me, that they may be ONE, just as We are ONE; 23 I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected and completed into ONE, so that the world may know [without any doubt] that You sent Me


John 17:11I am no longer in the world; yet they are still in the world, and I am coming to You. Holy Father, keep them in Your name, the name which You have given Me, so that they may be ONE just as We are.


I Corinthians 6:17But the one who is united and joined to the Lord is ONE spirit with Him.


Philippians 1:27Only [be sure to] lead your lives in a manner [that will be] worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I do come and see you or remain absent, I will hear about you that you are standing firm in ONE spirit [and one purpose], with ONE mind striving side by side [as if in combat] for the faith of the gospel.



Convinced yet? When Jesus prayed, He asked the Father to make us ONE, with the Father, The Holy Spirit, and Himself (Trinity 3 + 1 Me (You) = ONE. Our Father answered with an AMAZING YES MY SON, I WILL!


Colossians 2:9 For in Him (in our relationship with Christ Jesus) ALL the fullness of Deity (the Godhead, Father, Son, Holy Spirit) dwells in bodily form [completely expressing the divine essence of God].


Finally, it is no longer ME, I, or MY, in heaven and earth it is…WE, OUR, US. We are never alone in this life doing life by ourselves needing our Lord’s help. We are ONE doing life TOGETHER with and in the GODHEAD. As we yield, submit our wills to their guidance and direction, we will experience the life we were created to experience from the beginning when our Father said, “LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR IMAGE.”



    1. Thank you my sister I just saw your comments! Oh yes. I just wrote today’s blog about IN HIM before I read this! How Amazing He Is!!!

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