One day as I was walking through the Kingdom of God with my Lord, I noticed a man in his late forties playing and splashing in the play pool; he was having a ball. He filled his red bucket with water then poured it over his head; he was happy and content. Then, I noticed he stretched out face down in the shallow pool and stretched out his arms, then his legs, and pretended he was swimming. I laughed, when he turned over on his back and pretended he was back stroking as the water gushed from the little pool. I thought to myself, “All of that work but he is not going anywhere.” All of a sudden, I watched as people of all ages, from 20 to 90, ran and jumped in the little pool to join him. Soon the play pool was packed with grown-ups pretending to be children. Out of nowhere, I noticed babies crawling and toddlers toddling to make their way to play in their pool, but there was no room for them. They all begin to cry as they looked into the face of Jesus for comfort. The little ones knew He created the play pool and shallow waters for them to play in. Then, Jesus walked over to the play pool to those who had outgrown childish things and ways and asked, “Would you like to join me and swim with me in the Oceans of My Love? I promise, I will take care of you and teach you how to swim and you will experience some amazing adventures you never imagined or dreamed of.” He continued, “In me you will have peace, laughter, and joy without measure… Come follow me.” They looked at Jesus, no one said no, but no one said yes. They continued to play and splash around in the shallow waters of life. When I looked at Jesus’s face, tears filled His eyes as He said to me, “Mankind was never created to live in the shallow waters of life but to experience the depths, heights, and fullness of my love and life.” I walked away with Jesus feeling sad and grieved.



The story depicts how easy it is to get comfortable when we get saved and just stay in the shallow waters of His love; we truly believe we have control. For some of us, it is all we know. No one has taught us there is more to salvation than giving our lives to Jesus and going to heaven. For others, we have been taught about getting busy for the Lord, just doing and doing, and God is pleased. But most of us have been taught we can never experience the depths and heights of our Lord unless we have a title or position in the church. Finally, there are some of us who hear and know the ‘Call of Love’ to our hearts to follow Him; we choose not to. The beliefs just mentioned leave us impotent in fulfilling the will and plans our Father created us to fulfill in the earth.


 Ephesians 3:18 in the New Living Bible states… And may you have the power to understand (experience), as ALL GOD’S PEOPLE SHOULD, how wide, how long, how high, and how DEEP HIS LOVE IS.



Here is the call of our Father’s heart to every one of us. We have talked about trust issues in our previous blogs and how difficult it is to trust because of our experiences. We discussed unbelief as the insect we must say “No” to or it will eat away at the very fabric of our lives. But I want us to remember the blog of putting our little grain of faith and trust in our Lord who causes everything in life to become fruitful and multiply. It is not our faith which is most important, but His. I am reminded of the little boy with the one little fish and the fives loaves of bread. They were precious to Jesus. He took what the little boy had and fed over five thousand. Please do not look at the insignificance of the gift of faith and trust we give Him, but look at the Gift’s Receiver who takes what comes from our little hearts and multiply it. It takes just a little faith to move beyond our shallow existence. More than anything it  takes Grace; His Grace, His Life, and His Courage, to grow-up and to move on from our worldly, carnal, and shallow way of looking at life. He calls us into the four feet, six feet, twelve feet, and beyond. All it takes is just a little grain of trust in the ONLY ONE who can make it possible.


Prayer: Thank you Jesus, you are calling me beyond my shallowness where I believe I can manage you and manage my life. But Jesus, I am believing a lie. My life is still a mess no matter how hard I try to manage it. I am still unhappy, discontented, afraid, and lost without you. Jesus, will you hold me and carry me beyond my shallowness into the oceans of your love; I can’t, but you can? AMEN

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