Healer of Our Minds


Long ago, stood two trees in the middle of a lush green garden. The trees were green, teeming with fruit and life. One day, a little girl came to sit under the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil to rest. It was a hot and humid day and she just wanted to be quiet and sit for a while. As she sat under the tree, the tree began to tell her stories. The tree said, “Little girl did you know that I am the one who fed millions of hungry souls? Did you know that I was the one who gave food to kings and monarchs of every kingdom? Did you know that I nourished the souls of inventors, Nobel Peace prize winners, captains of great armies, military strategists, and the mighty of the earth? “No, the little girl replied, I did not know that.” The tree continued in its boasts, “Did you know the world cannot live without me and I am sought after by the brilliant minds from every continent.” “Aren’t you amazed by me?” asked the tree. The little girl thought for a while, she looked away then gazed at the Tree of Life standing just a few steps away. The tree stood quietly sharing its shade with those who wandered by and giving its fruit freely to those who asked. The little girl strolled over to the Tree of Life and asked, “Mr. Tree, the other tree has done so many great things it seemed, tell me what have you done?” The tree thought for a while and pondered of what he might say. Then, he said, “I cannot boast of the many things I have done, but this one thing I know, I have healed and continue to heal the mental anguish, discontented, discouraged, fearful, lonely, and still unfulfilled minds of those who have eaten from that tree… For I Came to Heal, Never to Boast.”


In our last two blogs, we have learned Jesus Our Great Physician, healed our physical body according to His plans and purposes. We further examined how he used illness for more than to show His power, also to teach us how to trust Him, no matter how long the illness may linger. In this blog, we will learn more, how to receive from Him, not only healing for our bodies but healing for our minds.


Let’s reflect on a lesson from the Sacred Journey when we discovered how our Father created us as a Spirit (in His likeness… for God is Spirit). We have a Soul (mind, will, and emotions). We live in a Body (seeing, touching, hearing, and smelling). Today, we will focus on our minds. In our story, the two trees we see one ‘The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil’ was a tree everyone had eaten from. It was a tree that had corrupted humanity, so much so, another tree was planted to remedy its negative impact on every human mind. Because of Adam’s disobedience, eating from that one tree, he passed down to us positive and negative thought processes that have changed how we see ourselves and our world around us. From the very beginning of our birth on planet earth, we were introduced into an environment (family, foster care, adoption, etc.) that told us what we could think, or not, what we should feel or not, or what values we should hold or not.  The environment not only at home, at school, and community, shaped and molded our perception of life. They became our lens or filters by which we reacted or responded to the world. We learned how to adapt to our environment in order to survive. As children, many of us lived in very hostile, unsafe, unstable, or controlling environments and others very warm and loving environments. When our little minds perceived that our environment did not offer love or security, our minds had to compensate to help us make sense of our little world. Walls were built in effect to keep the little mind safe. For many of us who may have experienced trauma, painful circumstances which we could not bear, our minds split into other personas. The other persona may say, “I must protect myself, I don’t feel safe!” Or “I will not let anyone treat me like that again,” or “Nobody will tell me what to do! I will be my own boss.” Or “I am in control and everyone will do as I say!” Or “I will never be left alone again, I must protect myself!” There are so many versions of the voices we hear from the personas, but mine was, “What can I do to make people happy so they will not hurt or reject me.” We learned to be strong and aggressive or passive-aggressive, either way, to survive all out of FEAR. As we grow older, the part of the personality formed as little children to protect us from danger and pain begin to interfere with our productivity in our new environments and relationships; they are no longer needed but still want to rule in our thoughts and minds. In psychological term, this illness is called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Many of us developed this illness as a safety precaution which allowed the mind to continue to function until it was mature enough to be healed of the pains of our former years. To me, it felt as if different people lived inside of me who reacted when they felt threatened or mistreated. For many years, I wandered away from home not knowing what I was looking for. Or, I felt restless, dissatisfied, discontented, therefore sometimes I made very unwise choices or said things that were mean or hurtful. I could not recall certain events. When I thought of painful events there were no emotions. Sometimes I felt depressed for no reason. There were times of hopelessness and always worthlessness. There are people who suffer from Bipolar Disorder which is triggered by different situations. However, DID is different, because medication does not quiet it, it is not in the brain’s chemistry, but in the personality. The illness is more extensive than what I just stated, however for this blog I wanted to try to simplify a very complex disorder without confusing my readers. (There is more to share on this disorder and if you have questions feel free to email me at and I can send you more information or go to


There is a scripture in Revelation 22:2 which states: in the midst of the street thereof. And on this side of the river and on that was the Tree of Life, bearing twelve manner of fruits, yielding its fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.



How can I be healed of this illness and any other that affects my mind, you may ask? Jesus ‘Our Healer and the Healer of the Nations’ came to restore the beautiful and innocent little soul back to the way He created it from the beginning. He wants to be its protector, security, safe-haven, and strength. He wants to rescue it from the strongholds in our minds that were developed to protect us, but now imprison us, so that we can’t be intimate with others nor our Lord. Let Him heal the broken mind and free you to experience life and peace once again. JUST LET HIM!


Prayer: Jesus, before I knew you, you knew me. You were aware of the pain I would encounter in my family, at school, and environment which has affected me most of my life. Thank you that you created my mind to develop ways to protect me from the Evil One who came to use my environment for my hurt and not good. Jesus, you came to heal and restore my mind back to full health the way it was before I came into this earth. Here I am Lord Jesus, I surrender my mind with its darkness, spirits, thoughts, and pain for you to heal it, MY HEALER, do whatever and use whoever you choose to heal me! Amen.

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