When I woke up this morning the following scriptures came to my heart concerning MY SPIRIT, “And you are COMPLETE IN ME, which is the head over all principality and power.” Colossians 2:10. Another scripture says …that ye STAND COMPLETE in all the will of God.” Colossians 4:12. Finally, this scripture says it all concerning MY SOUL, COMING INTO THE REALITY OF MY SPIRIT, “Being confident my brethren that HE (Jesus Christ) who has begun a GOOD WORK IN YOU, WILL, continue to PERFECT, and COMPLETE (the good work He began) until the day when He returns.” Philippians 1:6.


What do you think about the verses of scripture? Do you really believe what they stated? Is Jesus really going to PERFECT and COMPLETE in us all that HE began? Or do I have to help Him bring this GOOD WORK into being? As I thought about each passage, I reflected on my journey with the two Selah Books. 2016 was a very difficult and trying year for me, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. The brain atrophy became more intense; I was an emotional wreck. I was unstable, crying, angry, depressed, and suffering from headaches. Physically, I had contracted a staph infection which several bouts of antibiotics and creams weren’t working. I was having gynecological issues which required outpatient surgery. I was suffering from tendonitis in both arms so I had to go to physical therapy two days a week, it was painful to type or write. Legal issues faced us with a company who destroyed our medical records which should have been stored for 22 years, so we had to get an attorney to assist us with legal issues. December 2015, we closed  His Fullness Ministries, Inc. and HFM Counseling Center because Daddy said, “It is Finished” it served the purpose He created it for. I lost my children, my colleagues, all of those I had been close to over the past 11 years in Texas. I was grieving, hurting, and confused.  My life was in total disarray. My Daddy had stripped away  everyone and everything I held dear, even my old identity, the Tresca I used to know. The Tresca I knew was a go-getter, multi-tasker, vibrant, outgoing, and focused. But, when Daddy took my soul through the ‘purifying process’ all left standing was My Lord and my love for Him. Nothing else seemed to matter when it was all said and done. In the midst of the tears, the loss, the overwhelming darkness, He remained faithful and His word to me anchored my soul. The Lord gave me this scripture when all appeared to be lost.  My Daughter, you shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace, the mountains and the hills will break forth before you.” Isaiah 55:12. ” I will do a NEW THING IN YOU!” I found my Daddy’s arms and the kisses of my Jesus to be the sweetness that kept me through the dark days and nights. In the midst of all of this, my blogs, The Sacred Journey and Selah were conceived. Papa, spoke Selah’s name into my heart one morning as I awakened. Then he showed me the face of a sweet little lamb, innocent, and frightened. He showed me her scars and her inability to trust because of her abusive past. He showed me her heart, even though it was caged in a corral, neglected, and abused. She still had a song in her heart and a dance in her steps. Daddy said, “Selah is your story, my daughter. One day you will sing again, you will laugh again, and you will dance again with a greater joy and love for me.” I couldn’t see the whole story at first; I only saw the storyline as He gave it to me. Then, each day I was able to see more and more clearly. It is interesting though, my circumstances didn’t change, but my focus did. I was more attuned to the heart and love of my Father more than the pain I was experiencing. Selah’s story became my hope for healing. I was seeing my Daddy do a NEW THING in me, write children’s books, something I never thought of or even imagined. I met a brother at a conference once, who wrote children’s books, and he said to me that I should write them, “I said, no I don’t think I could do that.” No, I couldn’t but Jesus through me can. Selah was in my heart before one page was ever written, but I didn’t know it.  Her character, personality, strengths, weaknesses, things she enjoyed, and things she didn’t were in my heart. She was not conceived by God in my heart for accolades, praise, accomplishments, or compensation, she was conceived in my heart because of LOVE. And, because Daddy said, “She is special, I want to share her with others.” Daddy led me to an online writing class to perfect my craft and it was amazing! By November of 2016 she was ready to go to an illustrator for pictures and publishing. The illustration process was grueling. The company was in another state and they were of another culture and we often had miscommunications during the six month process. The book was almost aborted on May 16, when the owner was determined to make changes the way he desired. My Father, through Tony intervened. Selah’s books were completed May 17, 2017. She went to the printer to be clothed and bonded. What a beautiful little lamb she turned out to be. She is now a gift to others for children to read all over the world. She was conceived through suffering and brought to life through adversity. More amazing is this, the books had only been on Amazon for three weeks, when Selah’s book, ‘My Little Friend Worry’ was listed as the #1 New Release for Children’s Animals stories. Our Papa is AWESOME!


My body did get well from the staph infection six months later. My laser ablation did remove the polyps and cysts from the uterus. Physical therapy helped the pain in my arms and fibromyalgia (no cure). Papa compensated us for all the legal issues. I finally got medicine to help with the brain atrophy even though there is no cure for the headaches. Through it all, my eyes and heart were focused on the only one who could bring me through the shadows of death.  I chose to love and praise Him rather than rebel against Him by murmuring or complaining. He deserves ALL MY HONOR AND PRAISE!!


He has begun that GOOD WORK in us and HE WILL COMPLETE IT AS WE TRUST AND BELIEVE HIM. For we went through FIRE and WATER and He has brought us into a REFRESHING PLACE! Psalms 66:12


Prayer: Oh Papa, you are faithful, forever faithful. You have written your story and chapters for each of our lives. You know our days of total joy and laughter and you know our dark days filled with sadness and loss. But the most wonderful thing is that You are with us in and through them all because you LIVE WITHIN US! You are the anchor for our souls and the Light in our darkness. Your Words  are always true and whatever YOU SAY YOU WILL DO, our job is to believe and trust you. AMEN

7 thoughts on “JESUS OUR COMPLETOR

  1. Tresca, thank you for sharing your journey and God’s sufficiency. To HIM be all praise! Much love, dear sister!

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