HEAVEN SERENADES: Our Resting Place in God

HEAVEN SERENADES: Our Resting Place in God

(Heaven Serenades are poems that could be read or sung, called Psalms)


With so many distractions, challenges, and obstacles in our lives, it is so easy for them to become the dominant focus in our lives. So, today I just want to remind us to take out our magnifying glass and instead of using it to focus on the circumstances, let’s turn it inwardly and focus on the amazing and powerful Lord Jesus who lives within us. Only in Him can our soul find true peace and rest!


Here is an excerpt from a blog I posted several years ago. I hope you enjoy it.


One little word can change our circumstances no matter how overwhelming they may appear; that word is ‘magnify.’ Magnify means to cause something to appear greater, more important, or more extreme than in fact it is.



Oh Magnify the Lord with me and Let Us Lift Up His Name Together. Psalm 34:3 Amplified


In a few blogs back, we talked about distractions that can cause us to get our eyes off our Lord who lives within us. We also can look at something and it appears greater and more powerful than our Lord. Have you ever had that happened? I told you about how I had a fear of lizards. Lizards are tiny creatures I could just shoo away right? Years ago, we were in the process of moving to Florida and my husband moved ahead of me, he had an apartment over his friend’s garage. When I went to visit him, a little lizard was sitting on the outside stairs to the apartment. I tried to shoo him away but he stared at me. Then all of his buddies came and blocked the path to the stairs like a little army ready to attack. Somehow, in my mind, those tiny creatures turned into ferocious alligators ready to eat me so I screamed to my husband for help who came and shooed them off the stairs. So from that day until 2017, when the Lord freed me, I was afraid of lizards and geckos (see my story of freedom on the blog called Jesus Our Rescuer from Our Fears). https://hispreciousgift.com/wordpress/jesus-our-rescuer-from-our-fears/



For years, I magnified my fear of lizards by talking about them, or running and hiding from them. I told my Lord about my fear but I never entrusted Him with it. It is so easy to do, isn’t it? In 2017, I finally gave my fear to my Lord. I wrote in my journal “Lord, Jesus, I don’t want to carry this fear of lizards and snakes anymore, tonight I give them to You, Amen.” And now I am totally FREE of the fear of lizards and snakes, matter of fact, I have a little lizard who lives in my plants on the lanai!



A bad report from the doctor, something happens to a loved one, challenges on our job, a disagreement with our loved one, sickness, money, and the list goes on and on can cause us to magnify the problem rather than Jesus Christ within us, THE SOLUTION. When we change our focus from the problem or circumstance to our Lord, Amazing things happen!


” When we change the way we see a THING, the THING  we see changes.”


So, today and always let’s choose to Magnify the Lord by trusting and resting in His arms who is carrying us through life no matter how difficult or trying it may appear!



Copyright © 2005 by Tresca S. Grannum


Come to Me all whose souls are heavy laden.

Come lay your head upon My breast.

Come open your heart and soul to Me.

Let Me bear the heavy load for you and give you perfect rest.


Cast all of your cares upon Me, I truly care for you.

Stop trying to bear life and worries alone.

In your heart, My dwelling place, a quiet place within you.

In Me, is where your pain and burdens belong.




I am here, I am here, so present living within you.

I am here, I am near, not even a heartbeat away.

Just look inside, just look inside, just look inside.

I am within you throughout eternity.

Your resting place, please come abide.



I am your resting place, the Holy place abiding deep within you.

I bore your sorrows, depression, fears upon my cross.

But very few souls really believe Me, or really trust Me.

So thousands of My beloved ones still feel lost.




I am here, I am here, so present living within you.

I am here, I am near, not even a heartbeat away.

Just look inside, just look inside, just look inside.

I am within you throughout eternity.

Your resting place, please come abide.



Enjoy Christ, Enjoy Life!



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