HEAVEN SERENADES: I Shall Boast in My Weakness

HEAVEN SERENADES: I Shall Boast in My Weakness

(Heaven Serenades are poems that could be read or sung called Psalms)


It has been almost a month since Mr. Sun came out to play with me in the “Sunshine State.” It has rained almost every day this month which has caused quite a depression in my brain and emotions. I enjoy doing things like swimming, walking, biking, and being outdoors, which I can’t do. Bobblehead (combination of depression, obsessive tendencies, confusion, and babbling) is what I get to experience each day, and guess what? No sunny days in the future forecast. 



So, what do I do when darkness seems to overwhelm me and I don’t get any relief from my pain? I am so glad you asked; I don’t focus on my pain but I focus on my Amazing Lord, who is MY, whatever I need Him to be at the moment. Here are some examples:



  • The days I don’t want to get out of bed but sleep all day… HE IS MY STRENGTH to get up, shower, then put on clothes to face another day.


  • The days when I am overwhelmed with depression… HE IS MY HIDING PLACE. I turn inwardly to Him to snuggle,  then I embrace His grace until I can get up.


  • The days when my thoughts are racing from thing to thing and OCD seems to take over…HE IS MY PEACE to quiet my racing thoughts and emotions.


  • The days when sadness tries to lure me into its arms to be my comforter and friend…HE IS MY JOY and LAUGHTER.


The days when my Lord empowers me: we cook, watch television, play games on my iPhone to keep my brain active, or listen to music as I lay in my Lord’s arms. I also enjoy the Lord’s love and grace through my husband as he cares for me and our home when I am unable to.


You see no matter what you and I are going through in our bodies, minds, or emotions, our Lord Jesus is right here within us and going through it with us!  We all face challenges in our lives and we can grow in our relationship with our Lord from them or allow them to defeat us. Our brother, King David, shared his experiences with us in the Psalms.


In the Old Testament, our Lord describes King David as, “A Man After God’s Own Heart.” Our brother, David, discovered THE LORD IS MY, in his own life. It was through times of failure, fear, disobedience, weakness, and vulnerability, David discovered this divine intimacy with his Lord. There are 143 verses in the Psalms where David shared how he discovered THE LORD IS MY in his life. Let’s look at a few from the Amplified version of the Bible.



Psalm 18:2 – The Lord IS MY ROCK, MY FORTRESS, and the one who rescues me;
MY GOD, MY ROCK AND STRENGTH in whom I trust and take refuge;



Psalm 23:1 – The Lord IS MY SHEPHERD, I shall not want for anything (He is all I need).



Psalm 27:1 -The Lord IS MY LIGHT AND MY SALVATION—Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the REFUGE AND FORTRESS OF MY LIFE—Whom shall I dread?



Psalm 28:7 – The Lord IS MY STRENGTH AND MY [impenetrable] SHIELD.





Psalm 118:6 – The Lord IS on MY SIDE; I will not fear. What can [mere] man do to me?




2 Corinthians 12:9-10“My grace is sufficient for you [My lovingkindness and My mercy are more than enough—always available—regardless of the situation]; for [My] power is being perfected [and is completed and shows itself most effectively] in [our] WEAKNESS.” Therefore, I will all the more gladly boast in my WEAKNESSES, so that the power of Christ [may completely enfold me and] may dwell in me. 


10 So I am well pleased with WEAKNESSES, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, and with difficulties, for the sake of Christ; for when I am WEAK [in human strength], then I am strong [truly able, truly powerful, truly drawing from God’s strength]. Amplified Bible



Copyright © 2005 by Tresca S. Grannum



Weakness is not my enemy it leads me inwardly to You.

Only when I am weak do I long so much for Truth.

It is never in my strength do I behold Your grace and power.

It is only in my weakness do I experience You every moment, every hour.



I shall boast of my weakness so that Your power may rest upon me.

I shall boast of Your love and grace that always set me free.

I shall boast of Your goodness that has freed me from all sin.

I shall boast of Your Spirit who reveals my Lord and grace within.



I’d rather live in my weakness so Your life can flow through me.

I’d rather remain in the darkness knowing one day You will set me free.

Free to love you, free to serve you, in quietness and peace.

Knowing that You are in control and my life is hidden in thee.



So, there is no need to murmur nor complain about my lot in life or what will come today or tomorrow because JESUS IS MY…

4 thoughts on “HEAVEN SERENADES: I Shall Boast in My Weakness

  1. This is so beautiful, Tresca. HE IS MY… whatever we need.

    This reminds me of one of my favorite verses in one of my favorite books of the
    Bible — Colossians 2:9-10

    For IN HIM dwells all the FULNESS of deity in boldly form;
    and IN HIM you have been made FULL!

    JESUS + nothing + EVERYTHING!


  2. Thank you for your email, this is so encouraging and heartwarming. May the Lord bless you for reminding us of this truth that the Lord is My (everything). Waiting for more blogs!😎

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