GRACE WHISPERS – Restored to Newness of Life

GRACE WHISPERS – Restored to Newness of Life


Restored to Newness of Life


 Grace Whispers: There is no power greater, mightier, or stronger than the power of Christ’s love and grace over us. It is He alone who sets the captives free, gives sight to the blind, and opens prison doors so we all may live in FREEDOM!


My new book, “My Return Home to Innocence,” (found on Amazon), Chapter 12 entitled, “A New Creature.” The chapter begins by stating, “A new creature with an old, unrenewed soul.” This chapter describes my New Life in Christ and the joy and peace I felt in the beginning as I surrendered my heart and soul to my Lord on July 26, 1979. But, by surrendering the throne of my heart to the Lord, my former masters, the flesh and the enemy of my soul were not having it. War broke out in my emotions, thoughts, and mind. I was overcome by fear, anxiety, and illness; I was under attack! The battle raged for several months and this chapter describes how the enemy was fighting to keep me as his own and I was in the middle being torn by two opposing masters. Have you ever felt a battle raging within you? I thought since I had given my heart and soul to the Lord that life would become easier not worst… boy was I wrong! But in those months when the enemy raged, Jesus showed Himself to be my peace, hope, and deliverer. HE IS FAITHFUL TO US!


In my last blog, I shared several verses from Psalm 139. I would like to expand on two verses of scripture from the Amplified version of the Bible:


14 I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works and my soul knows it very well.

15 My frame was not hidden from You. When I was being formed in secret, and intricately and skillfully formed [as if embroidered with many colors] in the depths of the earth.


In verse 14 it states how we are fearfully and wonderfully made. The word fearfully means we were created with awe and with reverence. As our Father’s children, we are His Divine Creation; created in majesty and wonder! Another word for fearful is dreadful or powerful. When I think of these words, I get the picture of the ocean crashing against the rocks with full force, watching it is so amazingly wonderful!



The other word that stands out in the verse is wonderfully. This word means distinguished, set apart, marvelous, and to put a difference between. We are their beautiful painting full of colors and design. We have been set apart to be enjoyed and loved by our Father, Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. From the beginning, we were first created as their Masterpiece!





But what happened to their beautiful work of art? Sin came to destroy it. Sin through the evil one, the flesh, Adam’s disobedience, and the abuse and rejection of others destroyed their magnificent Masterpiece!




Sin brought death and darkness into our soul and spirit and separated us from the divine fellowship with our Father, Lord, and the Holy Spirit, but never their presence. When I surrendered my whole heart and soul to the Lord, the power and grace of Jesus Christ brought me back into the Newness of the first Masterpiece I was, before sin and sexual abuse entered into my life. The word NEW doesn’t mean I never existed, it means I was in a different form. But I have been restored into the beautiful Masterpiece I was when I was first created. He has healed me and restored me from all the abuse, sin, and darkness the evil one meant to destroy me with. Now, my Papa is using all of my past pain, sin, and failures for His good and His glory as I ALLOW JESUS CHRIST, THE CENTERPIECE OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, LIVE HIS LIFE IN ME!


I shared this scripture in my blog in May 2018, Ephesians 2:10 (Amplified)


For we are His workmanship [His own masterwork, a work of art], re-created in Christ Jesus [reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used] for good works, which God prepared [for us] beforehand.



The picture and truth of who we are in Christ may not appear to be clear yet. But here, on our journey of faith, we are discovering the TRUTH OF THE NEW ME IN CHRIST. It is through renewing our minds to the TRUTH AND FACTS and BELIEVING what our Father and Lord have written about us in their Word will make the picture clearer and more concise, day by day.


Salvation means to restore, to salvage, and to set back in order to the original plan. The plan is the beautiful Masterpiece we are In Christ. It is allowing Christ to reveal to us in our hearts, lives, and actions how fearfully and wonderfully we are as children of the Most High God and revealing ALL WE HAVE IN CHRIST, RIGHT NOW, LIVING WITHIN US!




2 thoughts on “GRACE WHISPERS – Restored to Newness of Life

  1. So true I really enjoyed it! It reminds me of the scripture, “It does not quite appear what we shall be like… but when He does appear, we shall be LIKE HIM” The beautiful unveiling of Christ IN US.

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