GRACE WHISPERS – Omniscient and Cardiognosta

GRACE WHISPERS – Omniscient and Cardiognosta


Omniscient and Cardiognosta


Grace Whispers: Jesus said, “I can see what you can’t see. I know things you don’t know.” So, Lord, that’s why we look to You with eyes of faith… because You see and You know.


 My new book, “My Return Home to Innocence,” (found on Amazon), Chapter 7 is titled, “All Aboard.” The chapter begins with this caption, “Sometimes, the fear of something lies hidden underneath the covers in your soul, and you can’t explain why.” Have you ever felt this way; every time you went to a certain place, heard a song, felt uneasy about someone or got angry over something, but you couldn’t explain why? In this chapter “All Aboard,” I had a deep uneasiness whenever I rode a train. It didn’t matter whether it was the subway, monorail, or the RTD train in Denver to work, I felt afraid and my stomach turned into knots, but I ignored it. I spoke with a mother years ago regarding the pain in her past, she couldn’t explain why she didn’t wear dresses. After spending time together, we got to the root of her pain. When she was around five years old, her mother dressed her in a beautiful ruffled dress with a petticoat and lace socks. She remembered going into the barn looking for her father. When she found him, he molested her. From that day forward, she hated wearing dresses. She always insisted her mother dressed her in pants. As she grew up and had children she made her daughters wear pants too. We worked through the process of healing and she discovered nothing was wrong with the ruffled dress she wore; the issue was with her father. Likewise, I discovered just last year, all these years I had a deep-seated fear and dread for trains. It wasn’t trains at all, that was the problem, it was the incident of being sexually abused on the train when I was 12 years old, which was the root of my fearWhat an amazing discovery, thank you, Jesus!


Hebrews 4:13 (Amplified)And not a creature exists that is concealed from His sight, BUT ALL THINGS, are open, exposed, and revealed to the eyes of Him with whom we have to give an account.


My Lord revealed the root of my fear of trains! Isn’t that a wonderful scripture; our Lord sees everything and our darkness is OPEN and KNOWN by Him the REVEALER of our darkness? Remember, we discussed in a previous blog about getting to the root of the tree and not focusing on the leaves, which are our behaviors or feelings.


A name given to our Lord is Omniscient. Omniscient means, to KNOW EVERYTHING, even before time and the world existed; He was and is aware of EVERYTHING!


I want to examine another facet of who our Lord is. He is called CardiognostaHeart Knower. We can hide the truth of what’s really going on in our lives from people and even ourselves, but He Knows the Truth about our hearts and the fears buried in our souls.


Jeremiah 17:9-10 (Amplified) – “The heart is deceitful above all things and it is extremely sick; who can understand it fully and know its secret motives?

10 “I, the Lord, search and examine the mind, I test the heart, to give to each man according to his ways, According to the results of his deeds.


When I look at this scripture through the eyes of Grace, this scripture doesn’t apply to us who have been born-again and received a NEW HEART. Our hearts, our Spirits, are ONE WITH CHRIST are no longer wicked, deceitful, or filthy. The NEW MAN, THE NEW CREATURE IS COMPLETE. We live and abide fully forever In Christ. However, this scripture may apply to our Souls. The flesh and sin have infiltrated our thoughts, will, motives, and desires IN OUR SOULS. For this reason, Jesus is restoring the SOUL back to Himself, in the FULLNESS OF TRUTH AND LIFE. Let me explain. The Lord knows the areas of our souls where darkness still prevails and He uses His Word, circumstances, and people to bring our darkness to the light so we can HOLD ON TO THE DARKNESS OR LET IT GO. When the Lord revealed the root of my fear of trains because of the sexual abuse, I had to choose, hold on to my fear or give my fear to my Lord and enjoy the freedom that is mine In Christ. Guess what? I chose to give my fear to the Lord and live forever in His Freedom and Life because, in Him, there is NO DARKNESS AT ALL.


 Our Lord Sees and He Knows so that’s why we never have to be afraid or ashamed to tell Him whatever it is that’s going on in our lives. His Light shines in us so that His Love can restore us… what a beautiful consolation!


One thought on “GRACE WHISPERS – Omniscient and Cardiognosta

  1. Amazing truth from our Lord through you, Tresca. What are the roots of my fears? HE knows and is the revealer of mysteries. I am counting on Him to reveal in His will and way and timing. Thank you, Tresca. (Deut 29:29)

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