The Life of Rest


What an amazing journey it has been for Surrenderella! Her life began as a grieving and hurting little lost child, to a rejected, abused, and neglected woman. But, her story changed when she met her fairy godmother who whispered words of life and hope into her heart. Those words changed the trajectory of her life into one of grandeur and majesty when she met, then married Prince Beloved. Over the past few weeks, we examined how the marriage began with a very rocky start because Surrenderella turned her desires and focus away from her Prince, instead turned her thoughts and focus to her past. We explored how she laid aside her crown and scepter of authority, then held dear to her trunk of precious, private, painful, and polluted things. However, in our last look at Surrenderella, she finally let go of and surrendered her trunk to her Beloved Prince when she was willing to trust him with her whole heart.



When she gave her trunk along with the key to her husband, she was saying, “Goodbye to the OLD life and I am welcoming the NEW life and all it entails.” When Surrenderella said goodbye to the OLD, she could then fully enjoy her Beloved Prince and the pleasures of her new inheritance in the kingdom. We see it wasn’t an automatic decision on her part and neither is it an automatic decision on ours. When we first said, “I do, I give my life to you Lord Jesus” when we got saved, that was only the beginning and door into the Kingdom of God. But all of us brought our trunks filled with our precious, private, painful, and polluted things within us. These are the things our Lord is teaching us to TRUST Him with and to LET GO of; it is not easy. It is a moment by moment endeavor. One minute we may say “Yes Lord.” The next minute by our actions we are saying, “I got it or let me handle it.” None of us come into the kingdom fully surrendered to ALL our Lord desires… this is what our journey in Christ is all about.


The Christian life is an AWESOME life yet, painful journey! Every day as we live in the Kingdom with our Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, He asks us His Bride, “Will you trust ME today? I have you and want to take care of you and all of your needs, but will you LET ME?” The painful part of our journey is our dependence on the flesh who has met our needs most of our lives and now, a new King comes into our heart and desires to have our WHOLE HEART and ALL of our affections. We don’t WILL to let Him have them… the battles begin. I have learned over the 39 years I have been saved, my Jesus wanted not only my heart and soul but my WILL. He never really had full control of my life until I gave Him the key of control, called my WILL. So, every day when I have choices to make, I tell the Lord my desires or wishes, but my final statement is this, Not my will my Lord, but Your will be accomplished through us in this situation. When we trust our Lord and Papa in our day-to-day activities, then we will learn to REST.


What an amazing life to be loved and adored by Prince Jesus Christ, our Beloved, and to be the center of His love and affection! He is so intimately involved in all of our daily acts and activities. Even if we don’t recognize Him, it never changes His gaze nor heart towards us. He has set His love upon us forever! All He has ever desired was our love and affection, never our service for Him. I have learned over the years how to live in the rest of my Lord in the kingdom! I choose not to fret, get anxious, or worry about my life. I make the choice each day to turn to my Lord because ‘This is His Kingdom, all the power, and all the glory belong to Him to accomplish His purposes alone.’ Come and join me!


Prayer: Thank you, Lord Jesus, MY Prince Beloved, and Life! I am so grateful you chose me to be yours forever. I am grateful and thankful for your patience with me as I learned to let go of my trunk in order to enjoy the Kingdom and all of my inheritance I have in You. Amen


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