Previously we talked about what home may be like when we leave this earth.



No one knows for sure the full scope of what we will experience when we get home, but we do know the earth is just an APPETIZER preparing us for our FULL COURSE MEAL! A term used in the Weymouth New Testament translation of the Bible is “foretaste.” The dictionary defines the word as:


  • Sample or suggestion of something that lies ahead.
  • An advanced realization of something to come.
  • An actual, though the brief or partial experience of something forthcoming.


I love the final definition, An actual, though the brief or partial experience of something forthcoming.  Even though sin has marred the perfect painting of our Father’s creation on earth, I still gasp at how beautiful our world is. Just think of the seven (now eight) wonders of the world made by man.



Now, look at three of the intricate wonders our Father has created with His own hands!




The clear and quiet waves of Pensacola Beach, Florida, in the Gulf of Mexico




The Rocky Mountains in Colorado Springs, Colorado


The Grand Canyon in Arizona


My eyes have feasted on the awesomeness of our Father’s creation of Pensacola Beach, the Rocky Mountains, the Grand Canyon, and so many more. Even though the world we live in is not the perfect earth our Father intended it to be, still it is a place filled with majesty and wonder! So, now imagine the beauty of Heaven where sin has not touched it and His infinite Life and Light encompass it?


When we behold the beauty of nature, nothing compares to the glory being revealed in and through us! For those of us who have given our lives to Jesus Christ, at this moment in time, our spirit, soul, and body are HOME to the Creator of the Universe, The King of Heaven and Earth, and The Holy Spirit of God…how glorious is that! We are feasting on their glorious LIFE here on earth, right now! Here are three scriptures I love in the Weymouth New Testament translation regarding the foretaste of God’s glory.


Romans 8:22-23 – For we know that the whole of creation is groaning together in the pains of childbirth until this hour. 23 And more than that, we ourselves, though we possess the Spirit as a foretaste and pledge of the glorious future, yet we ourselves inwardly sigh, as we wait and long for open recognition as sons through the deliverance of our bodies.


The Triune God has made their home within us! We get to enjoy the FULLNESS OF GOD’s LIFE RIGHT NOW! Taste our Appetizers while we enjoy our God!


 They live within us as:


  • Unconditional Love – loving and accepting us no matter what; they always want the best for us.
  • Grace – empowering us to do and accomplish what we cannot do in and of ourselves.
  • Peace – in and to our souls (will, mind, and emotions) when chaos, fear, and confusion surround us.
  • Strength and Courage – when we are weak, helpless, and unable to deal with life’s challenges and circumstances, they uphold us.
  • Life – they give our lives meaning and purpose. They direct us in the paths they have chosen for us when we seek them for Divine wisdom and guidance.


2 Corinthians 1:21-22 – But He who is making us as well as you steadfast through union with the Anointed One, and has anointed us, is God, 22 and He has also set His seal upon us and has put His Spirit into our hearts as a pledge and foretaste of future blessing.


Ephesians 1:13-14 – And in Him you Gentiles also, after listening to the Message of the truth, the Good News of your salvation–having believed in Him–were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.14 That Spirit being a pledge and foretaste of our inheritance, in anticipation of its full redemption–the inheritance which He has purchased to be specially His for the extolling of His glory.


In this life, we get to enjoy the wonders of nature, our brothers, and sisters-in Christ, family, and friends, but greater than those…we get to enjoy our God (Father, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit)!


I am enjoying My God the Greatest Adventure of My lifetime…are you?

Enjoy Christ, Enjoy Life!


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