This weekend we are celebrating two loves of my life, my pastor, husband, best friend, and brother-in-Christ Anthony’s (Tony’s) birthday and my sweet sister Tonyea’s birthday! I am so fortunate our Father chose me to be loved and adored by two amazing human beings ever; I wasn’t easy to love. Most of you have read my testimony, if you haven’t, please read my book, “My Return Home to Innocence,” found on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/My-Return-Home-Innocence


Tony and Tonyea were given a special grace by our Lord to see the best in broken people and endure with them until their true lives are revealed. It sounds like the Love of God to me, what about you? So, today I want to share a few words of my appreciation to them for loving me and never giving up on me… one lost, broken, and wounded soul.



Copyright © 2021 by Tresca S. Grannum



My blessed brother Anthony, my husband, and chosen of Christ.

Thank you for loving me for over 40 years and making so many sacrifices.

It was not easy loving someone as broken as I was.

Many told you to walk away and find another love.

Because you really loved me you chose to remain,

To endure the rejections, my running away, and my pain.

You chose to pray for me and hide me where others couldn’t see,

The scars from my past and the enemy of my soul shackling me.

Thank You!


I have discovered you are the man I needed, there could be no other.

Who could walk with me so long truly you were chosen by our Father.

You were chosen because

You are a man of grace and integrity.

You are a man filled with humility.

You are a man who holds to truth and lies you distaste.

You are a man of purpose, a man of prayer, power, and grace.

You are a man whose whole being belongs to the Lord.

You are willing to walk with Him where others dare to trod.

Thank you for praying with me daily and holding my hand.

You are my gift from God, such a protective and godly man!


Happy Birthday my love, my best friend, my heart,

Enjoy today and forever loving our God!




Copyright © 2021 by Tresca S. Grannum



Sissy, our Heavenly Father chose you just for me.

He knew I needed extra eyes to help me see.

He knew my life would be painful and hard.

So, He chose you to be my shield and my guard.


When I was lost and needed light,

You came into my darkness to give me hope and sight.

When in despair, I had lost my way,

You came by my side and there you would stay.


In times of pain, rejection, and fear.

Your courageous love for me kept you near.

You have been a rock for me when all was gone.

You took me in and sheltered me from the raging storms.


Sissy, it’s in you I find a strength so kind.

Not many like you in this world I would ever find.

One who is not afraid to help people when they are all alone.

To give them hope and encouragement to help them carry on.


Sissy, thank you, I just want you to know our love will never end,

Through eternity we are not just sisters, but we are closest friends.

 “This is My commandment, that you love and unselfishly seek the best for one another, just as I have loved you. 13 No one has greater love [nor stronger commitment] than to lay down his own life for his friends.”

John 15:12-13 (Amplified)



  1. Beautiful tributes! Enjoy celebrating them! God’s plans are always perfect and on time. Through pain and trials He brought you closer than you could ever be. You are a blessing as well!!

  2. Tresca, your words and love express your true heart and are a beautiful tribute! I have tears in my eyes! So grateful to call you my friend and dear sister in Christ!

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