What a wonderful time of the year it is! I just love this time when we reflect on our awesome Savior and Lord who came to live among us in a little cow’s trough. Many of my brothers and sisters are celebrating Advent. If you are not familiar with Advent, it is the season of the year where we prepare for Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the God-man who came to live with us. It was prophesied in the Old Testament God would no longer live at a distance in the heavens, but God was going to live among us! Thousands of generations passed, then finally He arrived!


The word Advent in Latin, means, coming. So we reflect on preparing for His Coming. The color of Advent is “purple,” signifying royalty. We are welcoming the King of kings to come and live with us, the one who came to live within us! Hallelujah, OUR KING IS HERE!


 To behold means to fix our eyes upon; to give great attention to,
and to observe with care.



Jesus Christ was given the title, “King of kings” by our Father. He is a King because He has supreme, absolute rule and authority over heaven and earth.


I Timothy 1:17 – Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.


I Timothy 6:15 – Which He will bring about at the proper time—He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords.


Revelation 17:14 – These will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful.”


Our King has come He was born in a humble stable. He rode through the earth on the colt of a Jackass, and today and always, we celebrate Your coming into the earth, then into our heartsWe are so glad You are HERE!


Not only during this season but always let’s reflect on, “Beholding the King of kings Living Within Us!” We can’t wait for Your final return!


Copyright © 2020 by Tresca S. Grannum


When heaven came down
He came as a babe
No pomp or circumstance, no gallant parade.


When heaven came down
He was dressed as a man
No royal robe, just healing in His hands.


When heaven came down
He made men whole
With a touch of His love, He restored each soul.


When heaven came down
He was warm, He was a friend
One you can trust and one you could depend.


Now heaven is here
In His kingdom in my heart.
Forever I am His, we will never ever part.


Now heaven is here
Riding a white horse
The Living Word, the Son of God!


Now heaven is here
He reveals His life
To every hungry soul, He invites.


Rejoice Heaven is here!
Heaven is here, The King of Glory
He is here!
Heaven is here, in His kingdom draw near.

Enjoy Christ, Enjoy Life!



  1. Very nicely written! Lord, help me to fully embrace this season and it’s true meaning! He has come and dwells within us! Praises unto Him!

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