Our Bridegroom Who Calls Us His Flawless Bride


My Precious Sister In Christ and friend Kim Francis just released an awesome devotional called “Fifty Days in His Pursuing Love.”



If you haven’t purchased it already, you have to! It is an amazing love letter to us; those who have given our lives to Jesus Christ. Kim describes her book this way:


Experience the Depths of Christ’s Cherishing Love for You!


As a Christian, you are Christ’s Flawless Bride in whom He delights and celebrates continually. But if you don’t know this, you will miss experiencing wondrous delight in intimacy with Him.


In this fifty-day companion devotional to Kim’s “His Banner over Me Is Pursuing Love,” you will savor your Spiritual Bridegroom’s reminders of:


  • Your eternal spiritual union with Him
  • Your complete forgiveness of sins
  • Your pure, righteous, and holy identity in Him
  • Your eternal safety and security in Him
  • His indwelling life as your source for living
  • Your life under the New Covenant of Grace
  • The foreign source of the ungodly thoughts you experience


Fall in love for the first time or once again with the One who gave you His life for you and to you, so that He would never have to live without you!


Kim and I both are ministers of our Father’s life and grace through Christ! We are also connected through sharing the gospel of grace through Network 220 ( located in Dallas, Texas. So, we have the same heartbeat and it’s Christ alone; the Bridegroom we love and adore but who adores us more! With this in mind, I would like to focus not on the book, that’s for you to enjoy, but on the titles, our Lord calls us as He greets us in each chapter. May His simple words ring out in your soul each day as we just reflect on these titles.




“My Flawless Bride, I long for you to spend the time you have left on earth fully believing that you are altogether, BEAUTIFUL, PERFECTLY LOVED, HIGHLY VALUED, AND COMPLETELY ACCEPTED IN ME!”(page 5)


How many of us really believe that we are Flawless? I know, not many. Why? Because we look at our sins, our failures, our past, our shame, as we feel unloved, worthless, and an utter mess sometimes. So how can Jesus call us “Flawless?” Is He blind? Is He talking about some future goal we will attain to or is He just making this up? What do you think? Never mind, what does His word say about us, that’s the most important question. When Jesus died on the Cross (before we were ever born) and said “IT IS FINISHED,” He was declaring to the Father:


  • Our relationship with my brothers and sisters has been restored.
  • All of their sins have been forgiven!
  • Their sins have been totally washed away, we will remember their sins no more.
  • The war between us is over, we can enjoy sweet fellowship for the rest of now and eternity with them.
  • They are now spotless, righteous, holy, and acceptable because of my blood.
  • We will live IN them and they will live IN us forever!


The word Flawless means, without any blemishes, shortcomings, mistakes, defects or imperfections. Our Spirits and Souls are FLAWLESS! We must allow our minds, emotions, and wills to accept and believe what Jesus says about us and stop trying to become who we already are. Jesus can’t lie! But we can believe the lie from the enemy and the flesh and beat up on ourselves.


Because you are His Flawless Bride Ephesians 4:17-32 (Amplified Bible) reminds us: 

  • You must no longer live as the [unbelieving] Gentiles live, in the futility of their minds [and in the foolishness and emptiness of their souls]. 

  • Put off your old self [completely discard your former nature], which is being corrupted through deceitful desires, 23 and be continually renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh, untarnished mental and spiritual attitude]. 

  • Put on the new self [the regenerated and renewed nature], created in God’s image,  in the righteousness and holiness of the truth [living in a way that expresses to God your gratitude for your salvation].

  • Therefore, rejecting all falsehood [whether lying, defrauding, telling half-truths, spreading rumors, any such as these], speak truth each one with his neighbor, for we are all parts of one another [and we are all parts of the body of Christ]. 

  • Be angry[at sin—at immorality, at injustice, at ungodly behavior], yet do not sin; do not let your anger [cause you shame, nor allow it to] last until the sun goes down. 

  • And do not give the devil an opportunity [to lead you into sin by holding a grudge, or nurturing anger, or harboring resentment, or cultivating bitterness]. 

  • The thief [who has become a believer] must no longer steal, but instead, he must work hard [making an honest living], producing that which is good with his own hands, so that he will have something to share with those in need. 

  • Do not let unwholesome [foul, profane, worthless, vulgar] words ever come out of your mouth, but only such speech as is good for building up others, according to the need and the occasion, so that it will be a blessing to those who hear [you speak].

  • And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God [but seek to please Him], by whom you were sealed and marked [branded as God’s own] for the day of redemption [the final deliverance from the consequences of sin]. 

  • Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor [perpetual animosity, resentment, strife, fault-finding] and slander be put away from you, along with every kind of malice [all spitefulness, verbal abuse, malevolence]. 

  • Be kind and helpful to one another, tender-hearted [compassionate, understanding], forgiving one another [readily and freely], just as God in Christ also forgave you.


Rest Flawless Bride, you are loved and adored today and forever by your Bridegroom… ENJOY HIM!


Here is a reminder from our Brothers In Christ, MercyMe, “The Cross Has Made Us Flawless.”




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