As we celebrate Mother’s Day, I pay tribute to our mothers on earth and those who have gone home to be with the Lord. Over the years, I have come to love and appreciate mothers more because of their tireless work in child rearing. I was not given the “Calling” to be a biological mother but a spiritual mother. However, it is impossible to fulfill any “Calling” of God without the grace and life of God flowing through us. From our Heavenly Father’s viewpoint, children are not just little ones needing to be clothed and fed; they are spirits with emotions, personalities, and wills that must be loved, nurtured, and guided with our Father’s divine wisdom and grace. God created mankind for Himself and His purposes. Children can be left crippled spiritually and emotionally during their lifetime if a mother is not sensitive to the Lord’s design and purposes for His children.  


Like a sucking child, mothers drink from the Life of God to impart His life to their children.




Motherhood, in general, is demanding; think of all the challenges mothers face. Some mothers go through months of morning sickness with physical and emotional changes to their bodies; they endure hormonal changes that affect their appearance and emotions. Some experience long and tedious labor pains during childbirth. Once the baby is born, every waking hour is dedicated to the child’s feeding, pampering, etc. She often feels torn between dividing her attention with the Lord, her husband, and meeting the needs of her children. As the child grows up, selfless hours are spent teaching, training, nurturing, encouraging, and praying for God’s wisdom to guide the child in the way the Lord requires. The mother serves her family by shopping, cooking, cleaning, being a chauffeur, teacher, counselor, and being there for her family. Being a mother often requires unconditional love and patience, especially when she sees her child/children doing things that are not our Heavenly Father’s best for them. A mother’s hope never wanes. When it’s time to say goodbye to the children leaving home, her heart sometimes feels empty with grief and loss that only the Lord can fill.


The role of the mother ends when her child leaves this earth or when the mother passes on…WHEW!!!! This list goes on and on with many untold sacrifices of a mother.


Being a mother is demanding and selfless, with little rewards.


Being a mother is challenging enough with a husband to support her, but can you imagine being a single mother raising a child alone as my mother had to. More significant than that, not knowing the Lord trying to meet the daunting tasks of motherhood.



My Momma, Josephine, In Heaven with her Lord


My Mother-in-law Barbara, On Earth with her Lord


Now I understand how difficult it was for my mother and mother-in-law to raise their children in difficult and imperfect environments. They did the best they could with what they knew.


I am so grateful for my mothers, spiritual mothers, and those who have mothered me throughout my lifetime! My soul is forever thankful to all the mothers who spend tireless hours sacrificing to be their best and give their best to their children. May the Lord’s grace and wisdom guide you!


Regardless of our experiences or relationships with our mothers, I am so grateful for our Father’s unconditional love that completely heals and restores every human heart who turns to Him. My prayer is that every mother will receive our Father’s unconditional love to share and express His love to others. Thank you, Lord!





Enjoy Christ, Enjoy (Zoe) His Life!

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