HOLDING YOU CLOSE (A Song for the Weary Soul)

HOLDING YOU CLOSE (A Song for the Weary Soul)


Copyright © 2018 by Tresca S. Grannum


Surrenderella will return in our next week’s blog, Lord’s willing. This week, the Lord wanted to encourage some of us who may be walking through some dark paths.


This song was given to me to share with a sister who lives in constant pain with an ongoing illness. But today, I want to share it with all of my brothers and sisters who have chronic pain, mental anguish, or a trial that appears to have no end in sight. May these words from our Lord encourage you this week.




Days are not always dark
though they appear to be so.
Weeping and sadness don’t always linger on
Even though they may appear to be so.
But close your eyes and open your heart
To my whisper in the silence
In the depths of your soul, you will find Me,
Waiting to hold you close.



Holding you close is what I live for
It’s what I long for
Holding you close is what my whole heart dreams about
Holding you near drying each tear
Is all I ever wanted to do
Is all I ever wanted to do.


Pain and sorrow seem to swallow you up
Yes, it appears to be so
Sleepless nights seem to take their toll
Trying to tear your world apart
I know it appears to be so.
But just close your eyes and open your heart
To my whisper in the silence
In the depths of your soul, you will find Me
Waiting to hold you close.



Weeping may last for this moment
Only for this moment
But I promise joy comes in the morning
When you least expect and it’s not in your when
Never in your how, but in My moment
And in My hour, when You see Me as Your Morning Light
Your only sight, the Only One who heals your pain and conquers the night.

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