The Flesh Pattern of a Performer


As you recall from our previous blog, Surrenderella, whose real name is ‘Princess Beloved,’ took off her crown then laid her scepter of authority on the bed. She replaced the crown with her old head rag. We discussed because she didn’t know her NEW identity, she was not aware of how to utilize the power and authority she received by being married to ‘Prince Beloved.’ We also talked about how her life relates to us. When we give our hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ, we don’t understand our new position In Christ and the NEW Life we possess In Him.  So, like Surrenderella, we revert back to what is familiar and comfortable; that’s why it is so important to renew our minds to what’s really TRUE concerning our NEW Life In Christ.



Today, let’s continue talking about the head rag Surrenderella wears and what it represents. The head rag represents her OLD Identity. Before SINderella’s name was changed to Surrenderella, in order to survive in her environment of rejection, abasement, and ridicule, she learned to become a Performer. You can see in the picture she still kept her cleaning brush, used to scrub floors. Let’s look more in-depth at the flesh pattern of Performing and how the flesh operates through us.


Performers are driven by the need to be valued and feel significant. The best word to describe being valued is, appreciated. It is so easy to be overlooked by others when they consider you worthless and without significance. Performers try hard to be seen or heard or both. They are driven by the need to have others recognize them and to have others affirm what they do. They need to know they are valued and their contributions matter. They strive to hear, “Great job!” or “You did a good job!” Below are some characteristics of Performers:


  • I am addicted to activity.
  • I am constantly STRESSED because I juggle so many activities at once.
  • “I am good” because I DO GOOD, ACT GOOD, and PERFORM GOOD FOR YOU.
  • I can’t stand to be alone or to be still; I must have constant movement or noise.
  • I am easily offended by others who are not driven like I am and I want others to live up to my standards.
  • If I don’t hear your affirmation or approval, I feel hurt, disappointed, or depressed.
  • I am starving for praise!
  • I work hard, really hard so you will APPRECIATE me.
  • I don’t really know who I am, “please tell me who I am by what I do.”
  • I am always on stage, that’s why I must be my best, act my best, and look my best for your applause.
  • I use the spiritual excuse, “The Lord was busy helping others so I too must do my part taking care of others.”


Effects of the Performance Driven Life


  • I can’t always hear the still small voice of the Lord who calls out to me.
  • It’s hard to receive the fullness of His love because He does not require performance.
  • My heart and mind are cluttered with thoughts, activities, dreams, plans, etc.
  • Busyness provides a narcotic effect for me and I get easily burned out over all of my activities.
  • Busyness also soothes my unbearable pains of alienation, loneliness, emptiness, and anxieties.
  • Performing, it serves as a drug, a quick fix, “to do” rather than “to be.”
  • I become addicted to activity and it is hard to say “No” to anyone, even myself.
  • The truth is, “I’d rather be busy than quiet and alone with my Lord.”
  • The Truth about who I really am is hidden under all of my facades, masks, and pretense.


Psalm 46:10 – “Be still and know (recognize, understand) that I am God. Amplified

Psalm 23:2-3 – He makes my soul lie down in green pastures in order that He may restore and refresh it. (paraphrased)


In compromising and yielding to the flesh pattern of Performing, we negate the will and purposes of our Father and His wonderful plans and desires for us. We are torn between two opposing opinions and kingdoms.



  • Acknowledge the TRUTH that you have been obeying the flesh of Performing for others to be Valued and to Feel Significant.
  • Admit and agree with HIM that Christ loves you because of who YOU ARE and never because what you do or don’t do.
  • Uncover what you have done by Performing for others and how this has affected you.
  • Repent because this is displeasing to HIM.
  • NOW…Let go, and SURRENDER this issue into HIS Hands.
  • Trust the results in The Lord’s hands….Don’t look back! Don’t look back!


 Prayer: Thank you, Papa, for revealing to us the flesh pattern of Performing. We have to learn to perform from the time we were little children in our many activities longing for our parents, teachers, and others approval. We longed to hear them say, “Good Job” based on our Performance. But, Papa, You are teaching us we aren’t what we DO but who we ARE, Your children. We must learn, regardless, if we do anything for You, YOU LOVE US. Amen


Carol Laird, Flesh Patterns: Exchanged Life Ministries (presently Network 220)


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