Long ago there stood two trees in the middle of a beautiful garden. Both were green, teaming with fruit but only one bore LIFE. One day a little boy came to sit under the ‘Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil’ to rest. It was a hot and humid day and he wanted to be quiet and sit for a while. As he sat under the tree, the tree told him stories. The tree said, “Little boy did you know I am the one who fed millions of hungry souls? Did you know I was the one who gave food to kings and monarchs of the world? Did you know I nourished the souls of inventors, Nobel Prize winners, captains of great armies, military strategists, and the mighty of the earth? “No, I didn’t know that” the boy replied. The tree continued boasting, “Did you know the world can’t live without me and I am sought after by all the brilliant minds around the world?” “Aren’t you amazed by me?” the tree asked. The little boy annoyed and weary, replied, “Yes sir, the things you did were good.” The little boy, weary from his journey, looked away and gazed at the ‘Tree of Life’ that stood quietly sharing its shade with those who wandered by it. It didn’t talk much, but willingly gave its peace, wisdom, and fruit to only those who asked. The little boy wandered over to the ‘Tree of Life’ and asked, “Mr. Tree, the ‘Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil’ has done so many great things it seem, tell me what have you done?” The tree thought for a while and pondered of what it might say. Then, it said, “I can’t boast of the many things I have done, but this one thing I know… I have given rest, hope then healed and restored the discontented and discouraged souls who ate from that proud and arrogant tree… for I came to heal and restore weary souls, never to boast.”


There is a tree within us who is never proud, arrogant, or boastful, but came to give us Life… His Life!


 Revelation 22:1-2 (Amplified)

Then the angel showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb (Christ), in the middle of its street. On either side of the river was the Tree of Life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.



What kind of tree can be so magnificent that it bears not just one type of fruit, but 12? What kind of tree never fades during the seasons of time but bears those 12 fruits every month? Finally, what kind of tree’s leaves are so medicinal they have power to heal, not just a few people, but nations? Wow! What an awesome and phenomenal tree which can do all of that and more! The tree is none other than our Lord Jesus Christ living within the heart of every human heart and soul who have given their lives to Him.  He is ‘The Tree of Life!’


Jesus Christ’s name, before time began, was The Word of God– the logos of God. This word logos means source. Everything began in Him. Nothing in the universe is original… not one idea or thought comes into our finite minds is of our own. He is the creator, founder, and manufacturer of all life. He is THE LIFE! Every human being had their beginning in Him. Life breathed through our nostrils came from Him… the source of Life. The logos is our parent and we are His offspring to experience His Life and share His Life with others.


Jesus came into the world to remind us of who He is and who we are in Him.  He came to help us understand who we were before time began and who we are now in the earth. When He walked the earth, we were mesmerized by His love, kindness, gentleness, patience, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control amid persecution and adversity. We were in awe of His grace and power and how He treated the outcasts and women with love and respect. We were enamored with His ability to stand for justice and rebuke those who were unjust and oppressive. He kept telling us, “These things you see me doing, they are not of me but of my Father… He is doing them.” We were humbled by His humility while He chose not to make a reputation for Himself, but gloried in the works of His Father. We saw Him, though He was God of heaven and earth stoop down into the earth where He touched us, held us, and encouraged us. Behold what manner of Life is this? It is the same Life who lives within us! Christ in us is the same Christ over 2018 years ago. Because we are joined to Christ as ONE, our DNA and character are now:


Loving [unselfish concern for others] joyful (settled gratefulness during difficulties), peaceful, patient [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting] kind, good, faithful, gentle, and have self-control.



Life began In Christ! I know we believe all life began at the moment of conception, but Jesus disagreed. He knew us before we were formed in our mothers’ wombs and every day of our lives was written in His book. He had His plan for us and we weren’t mistakes!


Life has no real meaning unless we can embrace and believe these truths. To not know who we are and why we are here is the greatest tragedy of every human being! What was life all about, some will never know and it will be too late on our deathbeds?


My heart’s desire is that we will inquire of the Lord the truth about who we really are and why He created US? Jesus proclaims He is the Alpha and Omega of our lives. He is the beginning and ending of who we are. In other words, if we missed Him between the lines of our life and only saw Him at the beginning or at the end… then we missed the amazing journey He chose for us!


The logos-The Word, Christ is the Genesis of our lives and we are His offspring to bear His Life and character in the earth through us. The Word desires to be made flesh again through every one of His children if we would allow Him… please let Him.


Prayer: God the Father, Papa, Abba, The Word, we are your offspring, children, royal heirs to the eternal Kingdom of God within us. Cause us to see who we really are so that Your Life can be fully expressed through us in the earth. AMEN



  1. HE is my Life. Praise His Name! Thanks, Tresca for this beautiful description which merely scratches the surface of the the glory of Who He Is.

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