Copyright © 2005 by Tresca S. Grannum


You are not a vessel that I might use.

You are so noble, my precious, precious jewel.

You were created to be filled with my glorious delight.

To be filled with my spirit, my love, my life.

You are not a vessel just to serve me as a servant,

You are my child, my son, my treasure, you bring me pleasure.


I have created you to love you, oh to love you.

Many sons recreated to love and adore me.

The angels serve me both night and day,

I say go and they do everything I say.

But you see, they can’t love me, so freely adore me,

Like only you, only you, my child can do.

The tasks are given they have not your freedom your soul, or will

Only you have been chosen to love me and my purposes fulfill.



Every moment of your day let me love you, fully love you.

Let me whisper sweet words into your ears.

I will remove your doubts and fears.

Let me wash away your pain and your tears,

Because I love you, I really love you, more than words,

More than words, more than words, I completely love you.

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