I know you have heard the question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Then, we think of how kind they are, the wonderful things they have done, or the many people’s lives they have touched. Somehow in our minds we believe, ‘only good things should happen to good people.’ Why have we come to this conclusion, I am not sure why because our Lord Jesus Christ told us, “In this life you will have, tribulation.” Tribulation? Tribulation is defined in the Greek as ‘pressing pressure, anything that burdens the spirit, affliction, any situation which brings anguish or distress.’ We may ask, “Why in the world Lord Jesus would you tell us this? We are your beloveds, your brides, and joint heirs with you to all our Father’s possessions?” The reason is, because SIN has entered into the world and wreaked havoc on all of our Father’s creation. SIN took out his paint brush of darkness and painted over the masterpiece our Father and Lord Jesus created, in the beginning, when time began.



John 16:33 I have told you these things, so that in ME you have (perfect) peace. In the world you have tribulation, distress, and suffering, be courageous (be confident, be undaunted, be filled with (my) joy; I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD! (Amplified)


SIN, brought chaos, confusion, sickness, and death. Can’t you hear the rumbles of the oceans as hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons, and tornadoes scream in pain? Don’t you see the earth burning with fire as it screams for the waters of God’s Life to soothe its sorrows? Can’t you feel the earth in birth pain as it crumbles underneath our feet? Can’t you hear the echoes of the birds and beasts crying for relief? We too, moan and groan, wanting the pain of so much destruction, injustice, and commotion to end. Please remember, my beloved, what we see and experience was never what our Father intended. Loss of lives, loss of homes, loss of possessions, loss of jobs, and the list goes on and on.



Even though SIN has caused all of this, Jesus promised us in:

Romans 8:18 – Apostle Paul states, 18 For I consider [from the standpoint of faith] that the sufferings of the present life are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us! 19 For [even the whole] creation [all nature] waits eagerly for the children of God to be revealed. 20 For the creation was subjected to frustration and futility, not willingly [because of some intentional fault on its part], but by the will of Him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will also be freed from its bondage to decay [and gain entrance] into the glorious freedom of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation has been moaning together as in the pains of childbirth until now.


As I am writing this blog, I am preparing to leave Florida to return to Texas to get out-of-the-way of Irma. As you recall, Harvey destroyed parts of Texas over a week ago. There are no places in the world we are exempt from the pain of the earth, sickness, division, or disease. Many have moved from the US to inhabit islands and exotic paradise, only to find out mosquitoes in the areas carried deadly diseases.


What do we do in the midst of all this destruction? We fix our eyes and hearts on the ONLY ONE who walked through life in PERFECT PEACE! The ONLY ONE WHO LIVES WITHIN US IS WELL ABLE TO GUIDE OUR SOULS SAFELY THROUGH THE TORRENTS OF THIS LIFE, DAY BY DAY, AND MOMENT BY MOMENT.


Here is a song we wrote to encourage !


Copyright © 2005 by Tresca S. Grannum


Come to me all whose souls are heavy laden
Come lay your head upon my breast
Come open your heart and soul to me
Let me share and bear the heavy load, I will set you free

Cast all of your cares upon me, I truly care for you
Stop trying to bear life and worries alone
In my bosom there is a resting place, a quiet place within you
Here is where your pain and sorrow belong

I am your resting place, the Holy place abiding deep within you
I bore your sorrows, depression, fears upon the cross
But very few souls really believe me, really trust me
So, millions of my children still feel lost

I am here, I am here, so present living within you
I am here, I am near, not even a heartbeat away
Just look inside just look inside, just look inside
I am within you throughout eternity, your resting place, just come abide.





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