“I am my Beloved’s, and my Beloved is mine, He who feeds his flock among the lilies.”
Song of Solomon 6:3 (Amplified)


Happy Valentine’s Day! On Monday, we celebrate Valentine’s Day, the Day of Sweethearts. Some of us have sweethearts, those who love and adore us, and others may not. I want to encourage all of you because we are the Valentines of the Eternal Lover of our Souls, the King of Heaven and Earth, Jesus Christ!


When we gave our hearts to Jesus Christ and were born-again, we became His Eternal Sweetheart; He calls us His “Beloved.” How awesome is that! The word “Beloved” means to be deeply loved, boiling over with love, one who is favored, and one who is worth loving. “Beloved” describes you and me. Hallelujah!! This wondrous title is used 62 times in the Bible. The Father called our Lord Jesus “His Beloved Son,” and now that we are In Christ, we are forever the “Beloved” of Jesus Christ and our Father!


So, today and every day, the “Beloved” of our Father and Jesus Christ, enjoy the infinite love of God bestowed upon us and the intimate relationship that is ours In Christ.


Below is a song that was written years ago from our Beloved Lord Jesus Christ; enjoy.


Copyright © 2006 Tresca Grannum



You are My Beloved you are so loved

You are so loved, yes you are so loved.

You are My heartbeat, the apple of My eye

You are why I died, My joy, no greater sacrifice.


You are My chosen one, and don’t you ever forget

No other one I wanted or longed for

You were worth the wait.

And now I delight in your love every day.

Just abide in your home in Me, and from My love, don’t stray.


No name is more affectionate

No name is more divine

No love is stronger than from the heart of Mine.

You are My Beloved, My soul’s pleasure, My eternal treasure

In you, My Beloved, does My heart takes pleasure.


Our response


Yes, Lord, No name is more affectionate

No name, my Lord is more divine.

No love is stronger than from the heart of Thine.

I am Your Beloved, Your soul’s pleasure, Your eternal treasure

In You, My Beloved, will I always take pleasure.


 Happy Valentine’s Day, My Beloved and Eternal Love,

Your Lord Jesus Christ



Enjoy Christ, Enjoy Life!

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