I remember as a child we played a game called ‘follow the leader.’ In the game, a leader or ‘head of the line was chosen’ first, then the children all lined up behind the leader. The leader then moved around and all the children had to mimic the leader’s actions. Any players who failed to follow, do what the leader did, or disobeyed the leader were out of the game. It was such a fun game, yet, it was teaching us one of the most important lessons in life and that is, how to follow. 



As children, we never liked to follow others unless there was a reward for our obedience. Other reasons were, we were afraid of punishment or we wanted to please others. Whatever the case may have been, the flesh within us hated to obey or follow anyone. It’s funny how that game applies to us in our daily lives. The flesh hates submitting, following, or obeying anyone and especially our Father, Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. And, it WILL NEVER OBEY THEM! But, we can make that choice. As we are journeying through life on our way back home and fulfilling the purposes our Father created us to fulfill in the earth, our Father knew we would get lost, miss the markers on the highways (that’s what sin is), disobey His instructions, and follow our own way. He sent His Son and the Holy Spirit to LIVE THROUGH US. Our Father knew when He created us what we were incapable of, but we didn’t. The Old Testament proves to us over and over again man’s inability to “follow” Him. Sometimes, we focus too much on the Old Testament and try to mimic the patriarchs of old, when our Father is trying to show us a GREATER PLAN IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. In the Old Testament, man was always in trouble with our Father. The stories written over and over again showed how they sinned, failed, were disobedient, and turned their backs on Him, even King David, ‘The Man after God’s Heart.’ Only a few of our brethren in the Old Testament remained faithful to God despite their circumstances. Chapter 11 in the book of Hebrews shares with us a few of the victors in the Old Testament. Because man was weak, fragile, and sinful, Father had a plan before man was created to ‘EMPOWER’ man to live a life PLEASING TO HIM. How can that be Tresca? How can man please God when He is so sinful, weak, and rebellious? I am so glad you asked. Let’s examine a scripture in the New Testament that may enlighten us:


Hebrews 12:2 in the King James version of the Bible it  states, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of ‘our’ faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. (the word ‘our’ was omitted in the original writings.)


Why is this scripture so important to me, Tresca? Let me explain what the scripture means.


The word “Author” does not mean what you and I think of in the English language. The word “Author” in the Greek language means- Chief leader, one who takes the lead in any and everything. It also means captain and prince. This scripture is regarding “faith.” Jesus is the Chief of every tribe and nation, He has gone before us so He personally knows the terrains of life. He was tried and tested by our Father and the enemy so He knows what strategies and tactics to use in EVERY circumstance. But the most amazing facts about Jesus, He overcame every obstacle and circumstance, PERFECTLY, WITHOUT ONE MISTAKE, WITHOUT SIN, AND, WAS ALWAYS PLEASING TO OUR FATHER! He is the ONLY SON OUR FATHER EVER CALLED ‘WELL PLEASED WITH.’


Another word used in Hebrews 12:2 is ‘Finisher.’ The word ‘Finisher’ in the Greek means Perfector. It is one who has in his own person raised faith to its perfection and showed us what and how he has accomplished all of his tests perfectly. The word ‘Finisher’ also means Completor, Fullness, not lacking in any capacity.


Father never entrusted us with having to live the Christian life. WE CAN’T but Jesus CAN… PERFECTLY, BECAUSE HE IS THE CHRISTIAN LIFE! It is Jesus  Christ who LONGS to live IN and THROUGH us every second of the day. Jesus has proven to the Father, all of the angels in heaven, and hell, He CAN and HE WILL FULFILL WHATEVER OUR FATHER DESIRES ARE, PERFECTLY, so why do we keep trying to? So many of us feel bad because we lack faith during tests and trials and fail. Here’s the GOOD NEWS…We were created to live by HIS FAITH, NOT OURS!


Father has appointed Jesus Christ to LEAD us and our role is to follow, listen, and obey Him.  Through His Word, our Father gives us specific instructions, “Look at Jesus, Look to Jesus, Turn to My Son,” live by His faith because His faith alone, will sustain you. We must allow Jesus to lead through us; our role is to follow. When we do, we will discover just how sweet life can be when He is fulfilling His role and we are fulfilling ours.


Prayer:  Papa, I make my own decisions, I choose to do as I please, and I ignore your instructions through your voice and Word. I have been taking Jesus’s role and leading my life. I dictate to Him what I need and want, rather than talking to Him about what He needs and wants in my life. Jesus I am sorry, please remind me when I take the lead. You are the leader and I am the follower and what peace I will always enjoy if I just allow you to lead me. AMEN




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