For the past three months, we have uncovered our Sacred Journey together. Let’s reflect on the amazing truths we have discovered:

  • We were born in a heavenly place, in the heart of God. (I called Sacred Meadows)
  • We were created by our Father, in love, and for His amazing purpose.
  • By giving our hearts to Christ, we are sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father.
  • We are joined together in an awesome relationship with our elder brother Grace, who is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ, The Sweet Rose of Sharon, The Fragrance of Heaven!
  • We were united in a relationship with our uncle, Truth, who is the Holy Spirit living within us. He teaches us and guides us into what our Father has said and established as His will for us, through His Word.
  • We discovered that we were created as gifts from our Father to His son, Jesus Christ.
  • We were created as a Spirit with a Soul, living in a Body.
  • Our Spirit is the part of us that was created in the image of our Father. The Spirit is perfect when united to Christ when we give our lives to Him. But the Spirit is dead and lost without Him.
  • Our Soul is the part of us with the gifts of emotions, thoughts, and a will. Our Soul was created to walk in harmony with our Spirit when it is alive in Christ. If our Soul has not received Christ’s Life into it, then it is an empty container, dead, only able to relate to the flesh, sin, and the evil one.
  • We understand that when our Soul chooses to make decisions without our Spirit’s input, we become deceived and lured into the darkness of the world.
  • Without the Life of Christ active in our Souls through walking and talking with Him daily, we become vulnerable and enslaved by the flesh and sin. We walk in darkness not experiencing the gift of His presence, peace, and security.
  • To manage life, our Soul depends on the flesh or the Lord. We have learned and been programmed by the flesh to achieve rather than receive from the Life of Christ. We have become mere slaves following the courses taught by ‘The World’ which only leaves us exhausted, weary, angry, and depressed because our true needs are not being met. In the end, we gained the world but lost the purpose for our souls.
  • We have learned ‘The World’ takes from us and can only offer temporal satisfaction. Satisfaction only lasts for the moment, then we are on to the next thing, then the next new thing. Our Soul becomes bored because it was created for amazing adventures with our Lord.
  • Our true needs can never be filled from without, only from within; they are filled by the Life-giver, Christ Himself.
  • Our true needs are: being loved, accepted, feeling secure, affirmed, appreciated, at peace, content, and so much more.
  • We saw there was a battle between our old family and our TRUE family. Both wanted to possess us for themselves. In the battle of life, we choose whether we will be still to hear the instructions from our Lord or bypass His direction and obey the flesh, sin, and the enemy.


The Sacred Journey is summed up in this scripture: Luke 21:19 In your patience, possess your Soul.”  Possess – gain control of, take back from the enemy, and renew your mind to the TRUTH, who YOU ARE IN CHRIST…YOUR REAL LIFE!


  • It takes time to discover what is TRUTH and what are the Lies working in and through us planted by ‘The World’, flesh, the evil one, and religion are.
  • It takes time to uncover our old fleshly patterns we use to get our needs met and how we manipulate others to get them to serve us.
  • It takes time to renew our minds to what our Father has written and said as His way.
  • It takes time to put away the filth of our fleshly and religious mind and to embrace the mind of Christ that brings freedom and life!
  • It takes time to allow our Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit to rule and reign over the darkness of our souls.
  • It takes time to let go of the past and to embrace our TRUE IDENTITY in Christ.
  • It takes time to be conformed and transformed into our TRUE IMAGE like our Father.

Life is temporal, living with our Father is Eternal. So, we must use the gift of time to allow our Lord Jesus to uncover the darkness that lurks in our souls so we can enjoy sweet intimacy with Him. Our Father created us to experience His love, joy, and peace beyond measure and the TRUE purpose for our existence-CHRIST OUR LIFE!


HEAVEN SERENADE: Song created to say “Simply Thank You” (visit the tab Heaven Serenade to see this song)

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